October 23, 2015

Peeks from the Week

Eeesh this week has felt soooooo long.  And there is still a full day ahead before the weekend.

Part of why I dislike fall is the sudden return of evening commitments.  In the summer our nights are free.  We almost never have any obligations on week nights.  Then when fall hits it feels like the calendar fills up.  This isn't a bad thing necessarily, dance class starts back, we have our small group Bible study, and youth events begin again.  All good things.  But I mourn the loss of the free, open, and careless nights of summer.  Also, that darn sun setting so early.  The sun is down by the time I leave for work which makes it really hard to do things like go for a walk after dinner or go get ice cream.

Ugh, anyways, fall is here and by this point in October I've made my peace with that.

This week, I honestly have nothing to show.  I had high hopes of doing some baking after dinner and sharing a recipe but energy was zilch and I opted to watch X-Files instead.  Also, guys, X-Files is scary!  I mean it's kind of horror movie level but at the same time the plots are so implausible that it's not reality scary.  Scully always keeps it real and the episodes are always resolved by the end so there isn't that "what just happened? is that alien in my bedroom" feeling at the end.  Also, I will never watch this show without Dan.  He will protect me.  And the 1990s feel is comical.   Just watch the opener:

How can anything that hokey be scary?

Next,  I had a huge presentation at work yesterday to show senior staff the project I have been working on for the last 6 months.  It didn't go exactly as I planned but it did go really well.  So I need to track down a greenbone for that and rejoice that it is over and I have approval to carry on the good work.

Tonight Dan is having a poker night at our place and I get to hang out with Rebekah and watch Cinderella!! Then tomorrow I head to Connecticut with a friend to hang out with our dear friend who moved away a couple of years ago.  She is in roller derby and it will be my first experience seeing it and her in it.  SO EXCITED.

Also, I discovered this song this week and I am obsessed with it.  I know, I'm a bit behind but better late than never.

And that's a wrap.  Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Friday. 

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