February 28, 2020

Potty Training

We are just over two weeks into Kip's potty training journey and we haven't seen an accident since last Thursday!! While the road ahead is likely full of bumps along the way, we are all really thrilled with his progress and feel relieved and confident that he will be fully trained by the time he starts school in the fall.

Our method was based on a modification of the advice offered in this book:

Plus a TON of reliance on Mandy and her experience having already potty trained four boys. She is our guru and I attribute this early success to her expertise plus the general readiness of Kip.

Mandy has been talking to Kip about going on the potty since birth. No joke. It was part of her strategy from day one to repeatedly show Kip the toilet. Show him how it works. Show him how we use it. And talk to him about one day using it too. We purchased a little potty seat and a toddler potty back at the end of last year and allowed Kip to get used to it in his space and try it out if he wanted...without pressure.

We read potty books and celebrated every time anyone when potty. We watched for readiness signs and just after he turned 2 1/2 we picked a week to try the 3 block method outlined in the book (full disclosure, I didn't read the book - Mandy practically memorized it). I say we went with a modified version of the advice in this book because Mandy has some issues with some of the advice, primarily the age they recommend starting to train. We waited to start Kip until after we finished the big bed transition and when he had enough verbal communication skills to tell us when he needed to go. He was NOT ready during the window of time the book suggests. So we waited.

Here are the basics of the method in this book: Block One - You keep the child nude throughout the day and remain that way until accidents stop (this can take one day or a week+). You stay close to home and as the adult you never take your eyes of the child. Watch for go signs and direct them to the potty. Once they've begun to recognize their own body signs and stop having accidents while pantsless, they are ready for Block Two. Kip was in Block One for 1/2 a day. Within the first several hours of going nude, he was already taking himself to sit on the potty. He had ZERO accidents and Mandy could tell he was ready. This was Mandy's expertise. She could tell he was ready for more of a challenge. I would have probably kept him nude longer but I let Mandy lead the way and she was right. This was Day 1:

On day two, Kip started Block Two. Block Two is commando with pants on. This block lasts approximately one month. During naps and nighttime Kip will wear a diaper or pull-up but when he is awake he only has his pants on. Nothing underneath. This is to help him rely on his body to alert him to when he needs to go. Without the comfort of a tight-fitting undergarment, which feels like a diaper, the child can still feel the urges and recognize when an accident happens. Mandy is insistent. NO PULL-UPS during potty training. A pull-up is essentially a diaper and it feels exactly like one to a toddler. They cannot feel when the pull-up is wet as well as they can when their pants become soaked. This was Day 2:

The book suggests the child remain in Block Two for approximately one month. They need to stop having accidents and be either verbalizing when they need to go or better yet, taking themselves. This can take a long time because it varies day to day and how busy you are and what the child is doing. Are they distracted? Are they comfortable going outside of the house? Will they hold or do they go constantly? We thought initially we would do the Block Two until he could go two weeks without accidents. But now that we are two weeks into the entire process and one week accident free, we decided to stick with the book and keep going commando. The commando phase is easy because you don't even notice and neither does the child. They get used not not wearing a diaper and without introducing a tight fitting pair of underwear, the child continues to build confidence in trusting their body. Once this is fully established (hopefully around a month) then they move to Block Three which is introducing underwear.

Now, we've been impressed with Kip's progress and I admit, I was really hoping Kip would be a potty prodigy for Mandy's sake. She feels like she has potty training PTSD from a particular experience with one particular child she trained. I didn't want Kip to be a repeat so I am really proud of how well he is doing considering he is still quite young. Boys are supposed to take longer to train and while we have friends with kids around his age that are training, we know many more that are older than him and not trained. Every child is different and you never know how they will take to the process.I really have no advice on how to tell they are ready. You'll have to talk to Mandy for that.

This past weekend when I was solo with Kip for essentially four days, I worked really hard on not telling him to go but rather reminding him to listen to his body. If I asked if he needed to go and he said no, then I trusted him. It was hard but he proved to me that he would tell me when he was ready or would respond yes when I asked. This is a big step because it shows that he is aware of his body signals and not just relying on an adult to schedule his bathroom breaks. It also helps them practice self directing when they are distracted. Most of Kip's accidents have happened when he is distracted and not paying attention. I don't think we are out of the woods in this sense. His last accident was at a friend's house and he dropped his full bladder. There were a few circumstances to that accident that weren't really his fault but it was a good indicator for us that he isn't quite there yet.

I don't want this to seem like it has been a perfect processes. It hasn't. Kip has had accidents of both varieties and while pee has been fairly smooth, poop has not. Kip has generally always been extremely regular. Until we started training, he never went more than two days without at least one poopy diaper. I know this because we logged it. Now since training he will hold it and not go for several days. We've tried up-ing his water intake and fiber but simultaneously he is teething and therefore not eating a ton. He is getting backed-up.

So we started a sticker chart and reward system to help motivate him to go number 2. We didn't really do rewards for pee because he wasn't interested in them and we figured why bother? With poop, he is responding better with some incentive.

So far he has earned two Lego toys (we didn't stick to the 3=toy rule exactly) and he will get a sucker any time goes poop in the potty. He wants those things and he sits and tries really hard to go in order to get them. BUT, the poop is hard and it is hard for toddlers to let go so we haven't had a ton of opportunities for success. But, Kip does seem to understand the concept and he has seen the reaction when he is successful. This part will just take more time and hopefully not too many suckers.

This weekend my parents are in town so it will be interesting to see how he does with other people around and if we go out of the house for a long period of time. I don't expect perfection and I think that is one of the most important things. It's a messy process and eventually he will get there. In the meantime, pack extra pants and socks and hold your tongue when something starts running down their leg.

We aren't touching nighttime training for awhile. He is still wearing diapers to bed and while he wakes up dry 90% of the time and has actually woken up in the night and requested to go potty, we aren't pushing that part of the process until he has a solid footing with wearing underwear during the day. I'll post another update about that once we get there.

And, yeah, I know...once the potty training is over we need to work on dropping the pacifier. One thing at a time people!!

February 26, 2020

Waffle Thief

We eat toaster waffles a lot for breakfast. They easy. They good.

I usually eat mine with peanut butter like a sandwich. We usually put peanut butter on Kip's too. Dan eats his with butter and syrup. The other morning, Kip asked for a bite of Dan's and then proceeded to eat his full plate.

The pictures aren't great. We have terrible lighting in our apartment but I don't want "not perfect" pictures to prevent me from documenting certain things.

YUM! Dan had to make himself another plate.

February 24, 2020

Weekending it

This past weekend Mandy was visiting Jessy in LA and Dan was helping chaperone a Youth Retreat at church.

So it was just Kippy and me flying solo!

On Friday we worked a lot on potty training.

The day went by really quickly and he was really well behaved for being stuck inside the whole time. 

I had a friend come over that night for a belated Galentine's hang with frozen pizza and a movie.

She didn't leave until late so I scrambled to clean-up, shower, and get to bed before my Kip alarm at 5 am.

Saturday was go-go-go from the instant. Usually Dan, Kip, and I lounge in bed for awhile but Kip wanted to get up and play right away. And I think since it's just me and him he has really wanted my full attention full time. I'm trying to really feed that want he has since right now I have the time before the baby comes. So my phone was away most of the day and I just watched him play or played with him. We went out to 86th Street to get lunch and a fun drink and get out of the house. This was a big step for me because right now I feel like I don't have a ton of energy for outings with him alone, especially at playgrounds since I can't chase after him as quickly as I used to.

We walked up to get Chipotle to-go and he listened to me so well at the park. We ate first.

And then we played. This park is never super crowded and it's geared closer to his age. He mostly wanted to run around and play with his cars in the dirt.

An older boy (4 years) really wanted to play with him and Kippy was happy about that except the kid refused to share his toy with Kip even though Kip was sharing his cars with him. That type of situation is tough because I can't force the kid to share so I just try to tell Kip that he doesn't want to share and that's okay. Kip tired of playing with him quickly because it wasn't any fun for him so he took off to do something else and the older kid just followed him around.

We stayed for about an hour and then headed home. I was exhausted afterwards but getting out and letting Kip run around really helps his mood. He was SO good when we got home. No accidents and we even got a poop in the potty!! The only tough time he gave me was right before bed and I had to put him to sleep without really rocking because he just wouldn't listen to me and calm down. But he was exhausted too and didn't fight going to sleep. Overall, a really great Kippy and Mama day.

The night had several wake-ups with his post-nasal cough. He ended up in bed with me at 4:30 and neither of us went back to sleep so we just got up for the day at 5 am.

We played and chilled waiting for Dada to come home that afternoon.

Dada arrived late afternoon and Kippy was so excited to show him his new LEGO airplane and play with him.

We had a friend come over for a late play date.

Dada brought Kippy a glow stick which was fun right before bed.

We had a great weekend but we love having Dada with us more.

February 19, 2020

Night Night Mommy

So sad to see this crib chapter end but it's for the best and Kip really does love his bed. On Monday, we were laying on it together and he said "so comfy." So I think it's safe to say he feels comfortable in that space now.

These are the last few photos I haven't shared from this past fall of Dan's "night night mommy" texts he sent to me when he put Kip to bed.

Gosh I treasure these photos so much and I lamented to Dan that I was sad that I didn't get them anymore now that Kip was in his bed. That made Dan feel guilty (oops) and now he is sending me bed photos too! Long live the bedtime tradition!!!

February 18, 2020

Weekending it

It's always around this time of year that I start feeling super desperate for summer. We've had a really mild winter so far and I am very grateful for that but it could mean a brutal March. I just want health and sunshine.

This past weekend we stayed inside as it was quite chilly. Kip was on day 4 of potty training so Dan and I mainly kept an eye on him and watched a lot of TV. Kip took a 3 hour nap which was blissful since he was recovering from a cold and really needed it. I had to go in and check on him because he didn't move for the full three hours.

On Sunday we headed to church early since I was serving in the Tiny Tots class (Kip's class) and Dan was in youth. Kip was commando under his pants and he didn't have any accidents and even went to the bathroom in the big kid's toilet! Super proud of him. We did all our grocery shopping afterwards and didn't get home until 3 pm. Our fridge has been running a lot lately and making a louder noise so I'm crossing all my fingers it doesn't die after I stocked it with two weeks worth of groceries.Wouldn't that just be typical??

Sunday night I made us family dinner again and it's our new favorite thing. Kip eats and behaves so well at the table eating with us and it's a fun way to end/start the week.

Yesterday was President's Day but it wasn't much different than our typical Monday except Dada came home early to help with dinner and bedtime.

At the end of this week Dan is headed to a youth group retreat and Mandy is going to LA to visit Jessy. Kippy and I will be flying solo all weekend! I'm excited and terrified at the same time.

February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

We've had a fairly warm winter so far but the cold snap arrived today! Brrrrr. Always a shock. But it makes for good excuse to snuggle-up with the ones you love on this random heart-filled holiday.

I got home from work last night and Dan had fancified our breakfast dinner. And even dressed himself in a clever get-up. It's tiny stuff like his handmade paper flowers and Gatorade in wine glasses that I love more than fresh flowers or an overpriced dinner out.

Since it's Friday we are ordering our standard Friday pizza for dinner and will watch a movie and binge on treats.

I adorned the table for this morning with all our sweets. Candy all around!

Here is Kip's little basket which he dug into at 5:45 AM.

I had gotten a package of red FDNY vehicles for potty training motivation but since they were red I just threw them in the basket.

He got that fancy motorized hot wheel from Grandma (and some Thomas undies!). Marmee's gift is apparently arriving later today so he is being spoiled on all fronts. It's been potty training central this week and he is doing pretty well so far especially since he is fighting a cold at the same time.

And grandparents...be on the lookout for some mail love hand crafted by Kippy.

Ooooh! Maybe he is a lefty after all!!!

Hugs and love to everyone on this silly day!