October 9, 2015

Peeks from the Week

I am so grateful for Friday this week.  Well, I always cheer the weekend but it means a lot today.  We get a pizza party at work (because it's the closest thing to a raise here) and we get to leave at 3 pm for the "holiday" weekend.  Thank you inaccurate history!  AND Terri Mom and Allen Dad (Dan's parents) are coming to visit tomorrow!!!!  Their company will be a blessing to distract Dan and me from the emotional hell we've experienced this week.

Now, on to the Peeks

On Tuesday night Dan killed a roach and a centipede within 30 minutes of each other so we high tailed it out of the apartment for ice cream and then spent the rest of the evening painting pumpkins.

Although we enjoyed carving Harvey last year I did not want the exposed vegetation attracting more bugs and since we don't have a stoop to put a carved pumpkin on I decided painting was a better option.  Also, less mess.

Remember on Tuesday I shared that my first job was as a gift wrapper at a boutique toy store?  I mentioned that I stayed in touch with two people from my time there.  My favorite is a lovely lady named Claudia.  She was so sweet and kind to me when I worked with her at the toy store.  She and I became pen pals when I went away to college and continue to write and send letters to each other to this day.  I value her kindness so much.  Anyways, she comes to NYC every year and this year we managed to arrange a quick hello with each other.  She and her friend stopped by the Memorial on their way to another museum and so I ran down from the office to say hi.  It was a quick 10 minute visit but so great to see her.  I asked her friend Marg to take our picture because I have no photos of her to document our 13-year friendship.

It was hilarious and adorable because Marg had NO CLUE how to work the camera on my iPhone.  I had to explain it several times and she still tried to look through the lens instead of at the screen.

Tonight Dan and I are going on a fancy romantic date out to dinner and to see the King and I on Broadway.  We are getting back to our roots and this will help.

Happy Friday friends!  Be well. 

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