October 3, 2014

Crossbow Skills

One of the other fun things Dan and I did while we were in Kansas last weekend was go to see his Uncle Willy's new house.  While we were there, his dogs Sierra and Buck jumped all over us and licked us and pushed us.  Dogs are so excitable and cute...except their breath.

Willy also showed us his new crossbow and we even got to try it out!

Dan went first and was a pretty great shot.

I was nervous about the kick-back even though Willy said there wasn't one.  This was true but the sound of the shot in my ear still made me jump, so I was a bit off target. 

I even got to caulk the crossbow which had 150 pounds of spring tension (I'm not sure if that's what it's called but whatever you call the weight of the tension on the bow). 

Willy, of course, got a bulls-eye. I didn't get a picture of it but believe me it was dead center. 


  1. Sounds fun! You look super cute shooting in your outfit

  2. You don't have to get a hand-crafted wood bow in case you do not need to. More information on crossbow on strongnia.
