October 28, 2014

Spock, Harvey, and other weekend tid-bits

Sorry for the delayed Weekending-it post I was out and about all day yesterday becoming the official Mrs. Stephanie Johnson.  More on that later...

This weekend Dan and I looked forward to sleeping-in.  Of course we only managed about a half an hour more than a weekday but we still lounged in bed watching TV and eating muffins.

Later, we met a friend at Brooklyn Bridge Park for lunch and enjoyed the super warm and sunny fall weather.  Saturday night we decided to try the Star Trek video game we got a few months back.

Now, as most boys do, Dan grew-up with video games.  The boy can totally zone out and play and he really has a handle on the controller.  Me on the other hand, did not have video games growing up and my only exposure to that world were the rare times I played Mario Kart at a friend's house way back in middle school.  We are polar opposites in this area.

Anyways, I was Spock in this game and Dan was Kurt (because of our character resemblances - not).  Spock is highly intelligent from what I know which makes my navigation of him in video game world all the more deplorable.  People, I am capital A - Awful at using the controller.  Spock was running into walls, falling off ledges, jumping up and down at unnecessary moments.  Laughable but also incredibly frustrating.   I like to control things and when I feel like I can't manipulate things to do what I want I get real annoyed.  Fortunately Dan is patient, like really patient.  Even though I'm really bad at it I still enjoyed playing it and I started to get the hang of the game by the end of the weekend.

Sunday was our usual full day of church followed by the Newcomers lunch.  Since I'm married to Dan now I get to attend these lunches where new visitors to the church can get to know the leadership a little better (and hopefully stick around long term).  We followed that with a late nap and shoestring dinner of whatever we could find in the apartment.

Then we carved a pumpkin!  This was on our fall bucket list and neither of us had done it in several years so we were looking forward to it.  I named the big guy Harvey and the white guy Lil Casper (I saw the idea for the carving online).  I also toasted the pumpkin seeds and tossed them in cinnamon and sugar. We're hoping to make this a tradition!

1 comment:

  1. Harvey was a lot of fun to make. And Steph you are getting the hang of the controller
