October 23, 2014

Current Perks

Dan and I are settling into being a forever couple and are getting the hang of mixing routines and schedules.  We are just around the corner from our two month mark and this morning I was thinking about some of the things I'm really grateful for and enjoying about married life right now.  

First, the way Dan serves me in little, but powerful, ways.  He knows I like order and tidiness and he's seen the emotional fallout when those things are not maintained.  He knows how happy I get when he makes the bed and does the dishes.  Whether he enjoys doing them or not I'm not sure (I doubt it's his favorite) but he does it and it means the world to me.

I got that nice quote here
I know Dan loves me because  he says it over and over but what's more than that is that he shows me that love in big and little ways.  In fact, I think the little ways mean the most to me.  I'm a pretty simple girl...stick a note in my lunch bag every once in awhile and I've got a smile on my face as wide as a watermelon.

Second, waking-up to a snuggly hug is the best way to start the day and just having his company is enough to make my heart swell.

Third, I love coming home from work and and having someone there.  I enjoy planning and making dinner for him.  We've been sitting at the table in the kitchen most nights and talking about the day.  He always starts by praying over the meal.  Sometimes we eat while watching TV, because it's fun and that's how we always did it at my old place.  

Of course we have our moments.  Sometimes we struggle to communicate well.  Sometimes stresses at work bleed out into bad attitudes and changing moods.  But neither of us can stay in those states for long.  Being kind to one another.  Saying sorry and trying better.  We're figuring it out and I think we're doing a pretty good job.

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