August 25, 2014


Dan and I have a friend from church who is really cool.  Like really.  When I first met her I was so intimidated by her and especially because she was helping out in the youth group and I had to take her through the devotional thingy to solidify her as an approved volunteer.

Her name is Jen and she is funny, edgy, super confident yet down to earth, friendly and just overall awesome.  The teens loved her and some of them still talk about when she was helping out.

Sidenote: Way back in 2011 when Dan and I took the youth group camping upstate we got rained out of the campsite and the whole youth group crashed at Jen's parents house to use their dryer and spend the night on their living room floor. Jen's mom, at the time, assumed Dan and I were married. Maybe she could see the future?

Anyways, Jen is an amazing hair stylist and professional colorist.  She works in a super expensive and swanky salon on the Lower East Side.  Celebrities go there, for real.  Way back a few months ago Jen said she would do whatever I wanted with my hair for the wedding.  It was an extremely generous offer and given the fact that I never  give two cares about my hair anymore I figured it might help my motivation issue and make me feel special for the wedding day.

I suggested a subtle ombre (this is where only the bottom part of your hair is colored as opposed to highlights which start at the root).  When I told Jessy and Mandy about this (my sisters) they were very worried that it was too risky right before the wedding.  I agreed it was risky except I wasn't getting it done by any old stranger, I knew Jen would do a great job.  And she did!

It took three hours to do the whole process and Dan was a trooper the whole time and just sat in the salon (I needed him there for moral support).
It all turned out great and I love it and Dan loves it!  Now if only I was able to style my hair with a blow dryer like that every day...

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