August 8, 2014

Ceremony music meltdown and recovery

So one of the things that has plagued me in this wedding planning and I have consistently pushed down the procrastination list is selecting the ceremony music.

I just cannot seem to make myself actually do it.

Back in December when I first started thinking about wedding planning I remembered that in college Mandy sent me a CD with beautiful instrumental music on it.  My favorite was a harp rendition of Mr. Bojangles.  I loved it so much that I decided I wanted to walk down the aisle to it at my wedding. 

Well Mandy and my mom shut that idea down immediately claiming that the lyrics of the song are inappropriate for a wedding.  Something about a homeless drunk.  Whatever, it's the tune I like not the lyrics.  But I guess they had a point.

So then began the long and grueling process of trying to find alternatives.  While listening to Pandora at work I started making lists of songs I liked and attempting to categorize them into prelude, procession, postlude blah blah.  Not my happy place. So I stopped and months passed.

Then last month I got a spurt of motivation and I previewed all the songs on multiple albums on iTunes of artists I like.  I made these lists and felt empowered.

Then I stalled again because actually purchasing and downloading all those songs would mean I'd have to go somewhere other than my apartment to get a good enough internet speed for them to download properly and sometime in this century.  Also I would have to arrange a playlist order and make sure I have it on my phone on the day of...AND find someone to operate the stop, start, pause, etc.  Blah.

So I was stressing about it all on the subway yesterday and thought "why doesn't someone just make an album of wedding ceremony songs?"  Stupid fool.  OF COURSE someone has...there are like tons of them.  Why do I always complicate things for myself?  

The one created by The Knot is too trumpet-y formal.  There are two good ones that actually had some of the songs I had flagged in my own attempt to make a list.  Score!  But both of these were also categorized under "relaxing massage music" so that sort of soured me.

THEN I found an album called "Love Songs On the Piano."  Perfect.  AND guess what number 15 is???

That's right...Mr. Bojangles.  ;o)

Mandy, it also has Desperado, Happy Trails, and Take Me Home, Country Road. Don't worry I'll cut out the country hoe-downish songs. 

So I downloaded it and now ya'll can have a good laugh when you hear these epic tunes in piano form while you're waiting for the ceremony to begin.  You're welcome.  The Judgey McJudgersons will already be sticking up their noses at everything else so they can have a hay day with this!

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