December 8, 2014

Weekending it

This weekend was bliss.

On Friday night Dan and I made kids dinner (chicken strips, blue box mac and cheese, and fruit cups) and watched Anna and the King in bed.

We slept-in until 10 am on Saturday which is beyond rare for us but it felt so good to wake-up refreshed and full of energy.  We had cinnamon rolls and lounged around until noon.

Eventually we got around and did several loads of laundry and addressed all our Christmas cards and then finally headed outside at 4 pm.  It rained, hard, all day long so we sort of dreaded having to go out.  On our way to a friend's Christmas party on the other side of Bay Ridge, we stopped at an Italian bakery and had iced tea and chatted about upcoming opportunities for Dan.

We stopped by the party for a few hours and around 8 pm headed over to the Painted Pot which is one of those places where you paint pottery.  We decided this was our reward for waking up early enough three days this week to stay active.  It's been a real motivational struggle so we needed to reward ourselves for small victories. 

It was so much fun because initially we had the place all to ourselves and we picked cute ornaments to paint and it was peaceful and crafty.  Then a group of four small children came in - much to young for painting pottery and cranky on account of how late it was (after 9 pm).  We left shortly after they arrived.  I love cute kids but not when they are screaming. 

Sunday was our usual church gig and then in the afternoon Dan's cousin Kaleigh arrived and we had fun playing video games, I made veggie curry for dinner, and we watched my all time favorite movie - Primal Fear. 

Today is Monday - blah - but every Monday is one more week closer to Christmas and that's fantastic. 

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