May 29, 2024

Kip's Fun Run

Kip's school fundraiser "Fun Run" was yesterday. He was really serious about it and ran the entire 35 minutes (except when they made him walk laps). He was super pleased to have all his laps checked off and took this sticker off his shirt to bring home.

Dan, Ivy, and I went to the school yard to watch the first graders and kindergartners run. It was a little hard to catch Kip in the crowd of kids but he was focused and red-faced, speeding around the track. 

He was too focused to come close to the fence for a better picture. He told me last night that if they got all their laps they get a baseball cap. He was disappointed in that prize. He'd rather have a medal. Ha!

Thank you to the family that contributed to his event. This little map tracks where donations have come from for the entire school. Colorado, Kansas, and Oregon are all states represented by Kip's donations. Woot!

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