May 23, 2024

Late Night Time with Mom

Kip really benefits from one-on-one time. When Ivy was little and still taking naps, we would do what he called "special time" which was just me and him playing something together, just us. 

Now that Ivy is older, no longer napping, and fully aware of what is and isn't "fair," I cannot do one-on-one time with either kid without fighting and extreme jealousy between the two of them. But Ivy gets a fair amount of solo time and direct attention while Kip is at school. But for Kip, that solo time is more difficult to find. 

For the last several months I've let Kip stay up a little later every once in awhile after we do the bedtime routine and Ivy goes to bed. Then he and I sneak down and do something together for an hour or so. It's not something Ivy knows about and that makes Kip feel a little extra special. Maybe it's coloring, maybe a little science experiment, or game. Sometimes a snack. 

It is indeed a special time and hopefully we can keep it going for a little while longer. He's really fun to chat with.

I'm glad when I can make time for the special time.

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