May 22, 2024

Celebrating Ivy

Today I'm recapping Ivy's birthday celebrations. This post is going to be a huge pink photo dump. Lol!

For every birthday, Mandy and I like to set-up a birthday display the night before. Decorations, big helium balloons and piled-up presents. We've done it every year since Kip's first birthday and it's a fun tradition for us. Ivy's chosen theme again this year was unicorns. She is indeed the "littlest little unicorn lover," as she calls herself. Dan got all the balloons inflated at the grocery store and picked them up and hid them for us ahead of time. 

 We opened presents first thing in the morning which has also become a tradition.

Ivy's big gifts this year were a new trike upgrade from Aunt Mimi and a desk for her room from Dan and me. She'd been asking for both for months and she was really happy to finally get them.

Ivy got a sweet gift from Kip and some handmade things. Sibling gifts are so cute. He picked her a little unicorn set with a small stuffie, some jewelry, and fun accessories.

And a fun pizza and pasta play set from Mimi which is huge hit. 

Ivy got lots of other fun stuff like a bag full of surprise packs. Ivy LOVES these tiny little toys.

We said goodbye to Dad as he headed off to the city (I worked from home that day). 

And then dressed in her birthday outfit and headed over to the neighbor's house as the treasure donkey left her a gift (Kip was in a Sonic onesie for PJ day at school).

Our neighbors are the sweetest!

She played all morning and did a Facetime call with Poppa to open his gift. 

She got to call Aunt Jagee a day early and open her gift. Jess made her the cutest handmade crochet unicorn and a collection of thoughtful and unique treasures.

Then Ivy decorated her cupcakes and cake with Aunt Mimi. Another tradition!

Then she set-up her desk in her room and took her bike out for a spin.

Once Dad got home from work we all went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (Ivy's pick). She convinced us to hit-up her favorite store, Five Below, afterwards and managed to get some more junk.

Then we headed home for a Zoom call with Grandma, Aunt Judy, Aunt Kandi, and Uncle Willy in Kansas for another round of gifts. Everyone was, as always, SO generous and Ivy loved everything she got. Some things she had asked for and others she'd never seen before. Very exciting.

And I got a super surprise gift too which I can't wait to share a whole post about later!

After presents it was time for cake!

Thank you to everyone who made it a really special day for Ivy! This is the first year where her birthday was something she was really anticipating. She is having a blast this week playing with all the new stuff she got from everyone who loves her.

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