May 28, 2024

Weekending it

Don't you just love a long weekend? This past weekend was extra long for us because Kip had no school Friday for an unused snow day and I had the day off too for a staff appreciation day. 4 day weekend!!!

On Friday, Mandy and I took the kids on the South Amboy ferry and rode it into Lower Manhattan. We park/playground hopped for the whole day. It was gorgeous weather and felt like summer. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the quality of the playgrounds in Manhattan depend exclusively on the wealth of the neighborhood. Tribeca is $$$$ so the playgrounds are top of the line. This one was new and was a giant whale that you could climb all over. It was a lot of fun.

We had lunch at Parm. YUM! 

And then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the water at another playground. The water features got turned on for the first time for the season that day so we were some of the first to play. 

It was a great day-venture, only missing Dad (who still had to work).

For the next three days we just relaxed at home and spruced up the yard and finished the kids garden. We played outside and enjoyed having no where to be. It was refreshing. 

Monday is the only day we got hit with bum weather. We planned a picnic at one of our favorite parks but it started to downpour right as we arrived. So we had a car picnic instead.

Followed by ice cream.

The only other thing we did was watch a lot of Star Wars.

Overall, just a really mellow weekend and a relaxing way to kick off the unofficial start of summer.

Only 20 days left of school (5 of which are half days, lol)!

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