May 30, 2024

Beginning Writing

Learning to write and spell is hilarious. I remember my mom talking about how much she loved seeing our phonetic spelling when we were kids. I agree. It is the cutest.

These are from the tail end of Kindergarten when Kip was just starting to spell/write independently.

WOTR.MLEIN (watermelon)

I feel sad when... MI SIDR DUZ NOT PLA WIF ME (my sister does not play with me)

I feel scared when...IT IS DORC (it is dark).

I feel angry when...I MES UP MY PETR (I mess up my paper).

In First Grade, Kip has to copy his homework into his assignment notebook every morning. This is more about handwriting practice. Over the course of the year I feel like 85% of what came home in his folder was math worksheets. I was starting to feel like all they do is math. 

It's only recently that any significant writing classwork has started coming home. And boy is it cute! Let's see if you can catch any repeat themes in Kip's writing.

Translation: My story is about "my visit to Kansas. We were in the plane then we landed. Then we got in the car then we were there we [had] a fun day then It was Christmas and we opined our presents!"

Translation: "We got to Grandma's house and then we got to play the rest of the day. I played cars for the rest of the day." RATEST (rest of)

Translation: "My special place is my Grandmas' house. I love its smell and Grandma and [the] noise at Grandma's house." 

I had to ask him about this. Apparently, he likes how the security system at Grandma's makes a noise whenever an exterior door opens.

Translation: "I was excited when we were flying on a airplane. We were flying to Kansas for Christmas."

Translation: "Then we landed then we got in the car for 2 hours to get to Grandmas house. When we got to Grandma's house we play all day." 

What do you think? Does he like flying on the plane and going to Grandma's house?

There are definitely some assignments where he is given the spelling. Others he is told to sound stuff out. He is not a fan of sounding out for spelling. I felt the same way as a kid.

I was pretty impressed with this one. "I am a writer when I look. I am an artist when I notice." Apparently that was something he had to copy from the board.

Translation: "My special place is the living room. Because me and my sister play bears and we make them food at the kitchen. We dress them in the clothes then we take them to daycare."

Translation: "When I was 2 I loved to play trains. And I love my wolf named Timber. When I was 6 I loved my wolf and I like Bakugans."

I asked Kip if we wanted to try out a Mom and Me write together book that has fun prompts for a mom and child to work on writing together. That was a firm NO from him. I suppose I wasn't surprised. If it's a challenge for him, he doesn't have much interest. I think his writing attempts are adorable and expected for his age. But, he knows he is spelling things wrong and that frustrates him. 

Teachers out there, how is it that reading has come easily and his sight words are solid but the visual recognition is not connecting to the whole spelling part of it? Like, sounding out a word to read makes sense but sounding out a word to write is chaos. Explain that!

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