June 4, 2024

Weekending it

Oh boy, I'm slipping again...mid-week weekending posting. Monday's really break my stride but here we are. 

This weekend was really mellow. We were outside 90% of the time and we are SO grateful our favorite season is unfolding. I'll just never understand how anyone tolerates dark and gloomy climates. I need sunshine!

My Summer Fridays started at work which means I get to be done for the day at 2 pm. So I got to watch Ivy at her Ninja Gym class and they gave the kids their year-end trophies and certificates. SO CUTE

On Saturday morning the kids had soccer and I helped Ivy with her skills clinic.

Kip played awesome as well but is looking forward to being done.

We did church on Sunday and ALL THE CHORES but otherwise just played outside.

Forever grateful for a yard/driveway/garage. The kids thrive outside.

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