March 19, 2015


Well this afternoon I'll be on a bus on my way to Boston.  I'm headed to a regional archivists conference where I will pretend like I know what I'm doing and haven't been out of the loop for four years.  It's all about confidence right?

Anyways the plan was to link-up with Astleigh at the Hill Collection and Rachel at Floral and Fudge today for the awesome Spring Cheer Exchange.

They put together this great idea for bloggers to exchange boxes of spring themed cheer via snail mail.  I sent a box to Whitney over at Work-it-Mommy.  Check out her review over here.  I think she liked it :o)

We haven't gotten our box yet but if it arrives while I'm in Boston Dan has specific instructions to rip it open and take pictures so I can link-up as soon as possible.

We've had a few hints of Spring but with the first official day of Spring arriving tomorrow our area is expected to get 2-4 inches of snow.  Awesome.   You guys, I am so tired of wearing pants.  In fact two pairs went into the frumpy bag yesterday and I cannot find replacements because the retail world thinks it is June.  Ugh.  My duffel bag is packed for this "work" trip with skirts, dresses, and sweater tights.  I refuse to wear pants again until October. 

Check back later to see if our Spring Cheer box arrived. 


  1. I don't think "like" is the right word, more like "LOVE"!!! Expect a note in the mail, I'm big on written thank you notes :) Thank you Stephanie!

  2. So so sorry it hasn't arrived! I hope it has by now :( If it doesn't arrive soon I'm mailing a new package! Hope you had a great trip!
