March 24, 2015

"You paid a whole dollar for that?" - a PoV post

kudos to anyone who can guess where the title quote is from.  comment below if you know :o)

This is my point of view: 

I am by no means a fashionable person, at least I don't consider myself to be.  I shop semi-frequently but frugally (old navy online, gap factory, and tjmaxx are my go-tos) and I have a strict get and give policy.  If something new comes into the apartment, something old gets donated.  This policy works well for me because most of my clothes start out cute and I like them but then after awhile they end up in the "frumpy bag" in Dan's closet.  It's a big bag where I place clothes that no longer fit well (likely because they shrank) or they don't fit like I like (pants get stretched out or sleeves are not long enough, etc). At the end of the month the bag goes to the local Salvation Army.  Because I didn't spend much to begin with there is always bound to be a shorter life span for my clothes and since I donate them it minimizes my buying guilt.

Anyways, the point of this post is to tell you about the best darn article of clothing I own.  It's not my favorite, I don't wear it that frequently, and isn't high quality.  But it's cute and comfortable and is the sole article of clothing that without a doubt gets compliments and attention whenever I wear it.  People who have seen me wear it before continually comment on it.  Last night's dance class was stopped because my teacher and another girl in my class were raving over it.  I like the shirt but it completely confuses me why everyone else thinks it's the best thing ever.  It's just a t-shirt and Mandy gave it to me last year having purchased it at the dollar store.  That's right, the best piece of clothing I own is a t-shirt from the dollar store. 

Exhibit  A:  The giraffe shirt

I am documenting it here on the blog because I want to remember it always and to me it represents the craziness of a style and fashion obsessed world.  Some men/women spends hundreds of dollars on one piece of clothing.  They post their outfit choices wildly on social media. They have clothing spilling out of their closet and still go shopping every week.  I regularly get frustrated with my wardrobe and I am a total supporter of retail therapy.  I envy other women at work with cute outfits and I day dream about being a confident dresser.  Even when I spend forever putting together an outfit that I think is cute and I wear it out I usually feel disappointed that no one said anything or that I can never compare to others. 

And then there is the giraffe shirt and I am reminded that it's all just so silly, gangly, and awkward.  None of it really matters.  God probably looks down at all this pinterest, fashion magazines, wiww, and other clothing crazes and thinks: "really? just put on the dollar store giraffe shirt and start caring about something that is actually important."  And yet, I still fuss over my wardrobe, no matter how drab and frumpy, and wish I could rock the mantra of the giraffe shirt daily.  Maybe you can?

1 comment:

  1. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
    I'll have to see if I can find you a new dollar shirt!
