May 17, 2017

Second Trimester Recap

I'm almost to my 28th week. I think the Third Trimester starts at week 27? Does it start at the beginning or the end of 27? I'm not sure, it's confusing. But by Friday I will definitely be in the homestretch of this pregnancy which is exciting and terrifying at the same time. Last week we had our last monthly OB appointment and now we start going in to see the doctor every two weeks. Here is a little recap of the Second Trimester.

See First Trimester recap here
And 20 week update here 

Main Cravings: 
Chips and salsa or guacamole
Sour cream
Greek yogurt, particularly the Fage fruit kind
Grape flavored sports drinks
Fresh orange slices
Chips and salsa or guacamole
Sour cream
Any kind of cold fresh fruit
Cold water - all.the.time

Basically, I could live off of chips and salsa and sour cream.

Things we've accomplished so far:
Childbirth classes check
Scheduled a tour for the hospital check
Research and start a college savings plan for baby check
Finish the registry check (thank you Mandy)
Schedule the baby shower and book the room check
Purge the apartment and start getting things ready for the nursery check (SO FUN)
Meet the pediatrician check
Schedule a CPR and infant first aid care class check
Feel the baby move check (it's still faint and not consistent but apparently that's supposed to increase around now)
Pass the glucose test check
Get my maternity leave plan approved at work check (thank God)
Childcare plans check (thank you Mandy) 

Things we have yet to accomplish:
Write a will (this seems really odd to me)
Start writing registry thank you notes
Finish outfitting the baby's room
Finalize our top three baby name choices
Birth plan???
Register with the pediatrician
Register with the hospital
Practice breathing techniques 

10 Things I Now Know about Being Pregnant:

1) Full panel maternity pants are more comfortable and easier to wear than side or half panel.
2) Maternity shirts or dresses that cinch below the breasts make you look way bigger than you actually are and if you wear them, people will comment about your size. Guaranteed.
3) You do not need to buy new underwear, the old ones still fit (maybe a little more snug).
4) Anything with an elastic waist will still fit if you wear it below the bump (yoga pants, pj pants, leggings, undies).
5) You don't need to buy new bras. Well, you might, but I didn't. I just filled mine out for once.
6) Sleeping with a pillow between your legs really does help, no clue why.
7) No amount of water or bananas will prevent charlie horses from waking you up at 5 AM. EVERY MORNING.
8) Weigh yourself in the morning, it's slightly less alarming.
9) Your acne will not improve. Welcome back to middle school.
10) You will consistently feel like someone hit your tailbone with a sledgehammer, daily.

Things I miss the most:
1) Sleeping on my back
2) Being able to roll over or get up without effort
3) Being able to go 6 or more hours without peeing
4) Not worrying about every ache and pain
5) Not having trainxiety

I'm not a big fan of bump photos but here I am at 27 weeks.

And here we are at 27 weeks. Baby on board in Boston.


  1. You look so cute!

    So excited that you passed your glucose test and got your maternity leave plan approved!!!

    Feeling the baby kick is so fun! Guaranteed it'll start happening more frequently because he'll be growing so big, he'll have no choice but to move his little feet or elbows all across your belly!

    Do you like it when people comment on your size when you wear the more snug maternity shirts? I've found the same to be true and inwardly I get annoyed when people tell me I won't make it past June.

    I made a birth plan with my first. I just found some random template on the internet. It helped focus my thoughts, but I'm not even sure I brought it to the hospital with me.

    So excited for you! And I'm totally going to try sleeping with a pillow between my legs tonight!

    1. I hate it when people comment on my size. I can tell when they ask "when are you due?" what they really mean is..."you're gigantic, that baby is coming now!" I think my birth plan will be: "give birth, the end." Hehe.
