On Friday night I was supposed to go to my all-staff holiday party but no one from my department was going and I am awful at mingling and socializing and blah. So Dan said he would take me out for our own company dinner. We went to an old-school Italian place in downtown Brooklyn. There were so many large groups there, clearly at their company holiday dinners. So we sat at the bar and enjoyed fresh ravioli and lasagna. We hit-up Trader Joe's for party food and then started watching the new documentary series on Netflix called Making of a Murderer when we got home. Umm, so good. It's like Dateline on steroids.
On Saturday we slept-in late and eventually made our way to a surprise birthday party for a friend. He is a huge Batman fan so it had a cute theme.

Saturday night we went to a fancy adult dinner party at my friend's new apartment in a schmoozy neighborhood. It was a class above our standing, but we pretended. When we got home we opened our presents from each other and Terri Mom and Allen Dad.
Dan got a model car to build and I got a new cute outfit for Mandy. We got portable cell phone chargers and sleek new suitcases. Dan and I got each other Kindle Fires (black friday sale for $35 woohoo) and Dan got me that awesome emoji pillow. He knows me so well.
Dan preached on Sunday and I got to be in service to hear it! Such a good preacher-man.

And we hosted the youth group Christmas Party at our apartment after church. It was wild, and messy, and loud, and drama-filled (as most youth events go) but overall fun. The white elephant exchange is always a hit...well, to those who understand the concept.

Sunday evening Dan and I watched more of Making of a Murderer and tidied the apartment before leaving.
We got to sleep in again this morning and then finish the documentary series. Watch it! Do it! Dan got the laundry done this morning and we packed for the trip. And now we are off to the airport. Merry Christmas!!
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