Now, back to business.
I wonder what Christmas will be like when there are actually little kids on my side of the family? Since we have no cousins on my mom's side of the family it has always been just me and my sisters. Now that we are adults but there are still no actual kids we still rake in the presents like we are five years old.

Dan and I arrived in Chicago with three carry-on size bags completely empty and when we returned all three of those bags were jam packed with presents (or things we bought). Gifts from my parents, gifts from my sisters, gifts from my Uncle Greg. We made out like bandits. Not to mention the gifts we got from Dan's family! This is why we didn't really get gifts for each other this year.

Dan hauled in four new games and a puzzle. We also got coloring books. Both the games and coloring will make for many happy and entertaining Unplug nights in the new year. I got the Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime and Express Lane Cooking plus a new saute pan! We got things that we really needed like new toothbrush heads and air filters for our fan. We got a couples devotional and 5 Love Languages. Dan got a big fat biography on Bonhoeffer and I got a book about how to be a better wife. I got a new backpack and Dan got a machine to make your bike stationary. So many new things to play with!!! This should keep us occupied during the long winter months ahead.

Thank you family for your love and generosity!!
Now, vacation favorites. As a reminder, in my family whenever we end a trip or we are saying goodbye to people visiting on a trip we do "favorites." Everyone shares:
1) Favorite thing they ate
2) Favorite thing they did
3) Favorite thing they got
- Ate: turkey dinner on Christmas eve
- Did: putting together the puzzle
- Got: Exploding Kittens card game from Jessy
- Ate: Mom's lasagna on Christmas day
- Did: putting together the puzzle
- Got: Pioneer Woman cookbook from Uncle Greg

And with that, Christmas 2015 is a wrap.
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