August 31, 2023

Summer Playmates

These two are sometimes such great playmates and this summer they have hit a stride in their sibling friendship.

Kip is generally a really sweet big brother. He encourages Ivy and is a great leader without being bossy. He enjoys teaching Ivy new things and coddling her like a baby.

In return, Ivy can be really tender but lately is in a particularly three-year-old season wherein she deliberately destroys Kip's building creations, runs off and says she won't play with him, and screams and cries until she gets her way. It's hard but she learned it from someone and that someone is Kip. 

But, as siblings do, they bounce back from conflict quite quickly and instantly forget each others transgressions. 

They did a few sleep overs in Ivy's room this summer since Ivy has the trundle bed. They both sleep relatively well in the same room (once they both fall asleep).

They will both really miss each other when school starts back up next week and they spend most of their day apart.

Life is better with a sibling.

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