June 1, 2022

Ivy's First Professional Haircut

Ivy was born with more hair than Kip and her hair grew in much more quickly as well. She had the cutest little fuzz head when she was a baby and then just after her first birthday it started getting thicker in the back.

Over the winter, Ivy's hair started growing longer first with a little mullet and then reaching past her shoulders with a small wave. It shaded lighter as it grew, going from a light brown to wispy blonde. Despite my best efforts, she absolutely HATED any time we tried to pull her hair back. Barrettes, hair ties, bows, clips, headbands...anything, she cried and pulled it all out. There were a few times that we managed pigtails but she hated it and they only lasted a few minutes. 

Her hair was getting so long that it would easily tangle and would get caught in her bibs. She is a sensitive girl so any little pulling was met with big screaming tearful sobs. With the summer heat approaching, we decided it was a good time for a little chop. 

We took Ivy to the overpriced gimmicky kids hair salon in Staten Island where we took Kip for his first official cut. Ivy watched while Kip got his haircut and she sat in a few of the car chairs to get a feel. 

She was doing really well right up until the lady tried to put the bib on her and then she didn't want to be there at all. I held her in my lap while the lady tried to make a few cuts. Ivy squirmed and it was a little lopsided but generally what we wanted. 

She got a certificate, smiled for the camera, loved her lollipop and balloon and genuinely seemed to like her new doo.

Mandy and I evened it up a bit when we got home and she now has the sweetest little bob that suits her personality so well. Now when you ask her how she likes her hair she says, "cute!" No more tears and happy girls.

1 comment:

  1. The new haircut looks great on her. We don't have a salon like that in our town but I can see why it appeals to parents for their kids' cuts.
