November 4, 2021

Kip's First Professional Hair Cut

Kip was a very bald baby. 

When his hair started to come in, it grew from the back up. So the hair near his neck was thick first and we snipped it on occasion. His hair didn't really start to thicken all over or need a more complete trim until he was closer to two and a half. 
By the time his hair started growing in, we were in the pandemic and things were shut down, so I just did shoddy snip jobs myself to trim things up from time to time. 
Recently, Kip's hair has gotten a lot thicker and the two cowlicks at the base of his neck were starting to form a tiny rats tail. I despise rats tails. I didn't want to keep trying to do a mediocre job at cutting his hair since he is going to school now and getting away with the random layers look wasn't working for me anymore. So, after four+ years Kip got his first professional hair cut.

I found a kids hair cut place about 15 minutes away from us and they had those power wheel cars for the kids to sit in so Kip was agreeable to going. Honestly, this event could have turned south, fast, for Kip and I sort of expected him to flat out refuse to go. So, I was nervous. Dan and I took him on Saturday while Mandy watched Ivy at home. There was some sort of Halloween event while we were there so fortunately we had things to entertain him while we waited. He painted a pumpkin and did some tossing games.

He sat in one of the cars for awhile too. See how shaggy his hair was getting?! He was even asking me to cut it.

Finally, it was his turn and he picked the pink Barbie jeep to sit in for his cut. This was a great choice since there was a working battery inside the car and he was able to make the wheels spin and play with the buttons. 

I had no idea what to tell the person except to even-up the back and leave it longer on the top so that we could continue to swoop his hair to one side along his part. She used a number 8 on the back and that was the perfect length so now I know what to ask for in the future. 

The top ended up being a little wonky but that was my fault. Kip was losing steam and another kid was melting down and I was worried Kip was close to the edge of his good mood. The haircut gal asked me if I wanted her to use clippers on the top and I had no idea what that meant so I said no. In the future I'll say yes and have the top blended in better so the longer part looks less like a bowl cut. It looks great from the front but a little off on the sides. That's okay, Kip likes it and it's nothing a few weeks of growth can't fix.

Kip wouldn't pose for a final product picture but it looks essentially the way his hair always has, just a bit cleaned up.

And next time, I'll have a better sense of what to request. 

Ivy will need a professional cut much sooner than Kip did. She has always had more hair than him by age comparison and right now she has a nice mullet look with an absolute refusal to let us put anything in it or pull it back.

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