May 31, 2022

Weekending it

Happy Monday! We hope you all had a nice holiday weekend and unofficial kick-off to summer!

Kip had an extra long weekend with Friday off as well from an unused snow day worked into the school calendar. Mandy and I took both kids to get fresh haircuts (Ivy's first!). 

On Saturday Kip had swim lessons.

Kip had requested we have a hamburger picnic because he suddenly remembered that the summer we moved to the house, we came to the park and had Wendy's. Unfortunately, there was a huge downpour so we couldn't eat outside but he settled for a picnic in the garage.

We spent the afternoon outside with the water table and bikes.

That evening Dan and I took Kip to his first friend birthday party for a classmate. It was 4-8 pm and a completely new experience for Kip (and us since we didn't know many people there). Kip was shy at first, got brave with dancing, got shy again, and then spent the rest of the party running around with his friends. He went to bed at 9 pm which is probably the latest he has ever gone to bed. Dan and I were hoping he would sleep in, but no. 5 am wake up call per usual. 

On Sunday, Mandy and I had to scramble to do our grocery shopping which we typically do Saturday nights. The rest of the day felt like endless chores and I was grateful that yesterday was a holiday to relax. We have some major summer heat right now so we pulled out the kid pool, sprinkler, and water table for some driveway fun. 

Later that afternoon, Dan and the kids built the "Disney World Castle" out of Legos. 

Patriotic dessert to end the long weekend. 

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