June 27, 2022

Weekending it

Knocking summer out of the park with this first partial week of summer break!

On Friday night Mandy and I took the kids to a local church carnival in a neighboring town. Kip's little friend from the neighborhood invited us so we met them there. Kip had a blast with his little buddy but us adults were way overstimulated. I haven't been to something so overcrowded in years. It was a bit much, but you do it for the kids, right?

This weekend packed some summer heat so we went to our community pool for the first time on Saturday. It was already so much easier than last year with even just a little swim confidence from Kip. Ivy did well too in her little life jacket. Mandy, Dan, and I tag-teamed but of course all the kids in the pool gravitated to Dan. Kip's friend was there and another girl he knew from school was there so it was fun. 

That night Kip wanted to have a cheeseburger picnic for dinner so we sat outside as long as we could before the mosquitos drove us back inside.

On Sunday we invited friends over for water-play in the driveway. 
Ivy has gotten so painfully shy in the last month and we are really trying hard to get her more socialized and comfortable. She is so attached to Kip she gets very jealous of other kids that come to play with him.

We are so grateful for our little slice of outdoor space and how versatile it is for the kids. Mandy has worked so hard to make the flowers and exterior beautiful as well which just makes being outside all the more better.

If you have room for some prayers, please keep my mom in mind. She has bacterial pneumonia from a cold she caught while traveling (fortunately not Covid). She is in ICU right now being treated with antibiotics. Please pray for improvement and energy for my dad caring for her. We are approaching the one year anniversary of Dan's dad's illness and passing so the arrival of July feels tight with emotions and worry about relatives.

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