May 19, 2022

Ivy || 2 Years Old

Totally toddler two-year-old in the house!!! Here is a recap of the last three months before the big 2!
Ivy at 2 Years 
Weight: 26 pounds (25lbs. at 18 months) 
Height: 35 inches (32.5 inches at 18 months)
Personality: Super sweet and sensitive (hasn't changed a bit since the day she was born)
22 Months Old

Feb. 28 - first dooty in the potty!!
First time browsing Barnes & Noble, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Old Navy 
Visit from Grandma and Aunt Judy
First time inside a mall
First time at Build-a-Bear
Mar. 13 - first peep in the potty!!
First time walking around Northlandz
First taste of a ring pop

Favorite activity: speed riding her car toy along the sidewalks

23 Months Old

Attended her first parade
Had a triple dose of colds + her first ear infection
Extra fussy due to illness 
Toddler tantrums and sass
Lover of bubbles
Stuck a blueberry up her nose and ended up at urgent care for the first time!
Trip to the dentist
First Easter Egg hunt
Learned how to boot-scoot down the stairs
Beginning to talk a ton!
Riding the board instead of the stroller
Attempting to ride Kip's scooter 
HATES getting her hair put in pigtails or a pony
Strongly disliked having to wear short sleeves for the first time this spring

Favorite activity: playing outside 


Super snuggly
A bit of separation anxiety
First trip to the zoo (x2)
First time in a bounce house
Another cold and another ear infection
HATES medicine
Loves to go shopping
Picking dandelions 
Really into stuffed animals and cats

Favorite activity: Playing doll house with her Cocomelon figures
When I remember where we were with Ivy's sleep this time last year, I am infinitely grateful for where we are now. She FINALLY sleeps through the night. We put her to bed around 6:30 pm. Her routine is brush teeth, a couple of stories, and then into her crib. She sleeps in a pitch-black room with just her sound machine. Her crib is filled with stuffed animals, 4 pacifiers, and her sleep sack. Occasionally she will wake in the night and need a little rock or pat on the back, but for the most part she sleeps through. She wakes up anywhere between 5:30-6:30 AM and is ready for breakfast immediately. She still takes a nap from 10:30-12/:30 which is exactly what Kip was doing at age two. When she wakes up from her nap she usually needs a few minutes to warm up and enjoys a good snuggle.

Ivy is an incredibly picky eater. She does not hesitate to push food away, say "eww" and "yucky" before even trying something, and will throw a massive meltdown if we try to force her to take a bite. She spits food out and will turn on something she previously loved. Fruit is still her most favorite and she loves blueberries the most. She does not drink milk but she loves yogurt, cheese, and has milk on cereal. Oddly, she does not like bread. We cannot get her to eat toast or sandwiches at all. I'm not sure that she eats any vegetables except for peas and would love to subsist on popsicles and juice boxes. She has a sweet tooth, that's for sure. Oh, but she does eat hummus with a spoon, so there's that! She has a passion for snacks and is constantly helping herself to things in the pantry. Dinner is usually the most volatile for her, as she generally doesn't like what is presented to her and will get away with only eating condiments some nights. Phew.

Ivy has so many interests and curiosities with play. She got a dollhouse for her birthday and it has been a huge hit for imaginative play especially using her little Cocomelon figures. She loves to pretend shop and play in the play kitchen. She loves it when Kip lets her play trains with him and she imitates most of his play. She likes pushing trains around the table and monster trucks. She loves her play tent and stacking cardboard blocks and knocking them over. Outside she comes alive! She loves being outdoors and playing with bubbles or chalk or using her push car. She loves the playground and is very brave on the slides. Kip is her confidence and she plays so much better when he is around, even if he isn't exactly being nice to her. She loves stuffed animals and dress-up, playing guacamole monster with dad, and building with Duplo Legos. She has excellent fine motor skills and loves to color and use stickers. I honestly can't think of anything she doesn't like when it comes to play...well, except when something frustrates her but that's pretty normal.

Ivy is talking so much now! Full sentences and communication that we didn't see with Kip until he was over two and a half. I think Kip's presence makes a difference and the fact that she is a girl. She expresses and articulates so well and has the cutest little phrases. She says "ok bye, see ya later" and "yummy" for anything that excites her. She says "Kip-ee" really sweetly and Mama, Dada, and Mimi. "Tain" is my favorite word she says which is train. She says it while simultaneously putting her two pointer fingers together in a little made-up sign. I just know she has so much to say inside of her and I can't wait to hear it.

This past year with Ivy was seriously so sweet. Her first year was rocky with all the transitions we had to make but this year was so much better. She has brought so much peace to my heart since the day she was born and still has such a way of melting stresses away when she leans in for a snuggle. I hope my bond with her remains strong and her genuine sweetness never fades.

Two is a terribly terrific age and I'm excited for the year ahead.

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