January 2, 2019

Weekending it

Man that week between Christmas and New Years really is a time warp. This year was particularly bad because we were mostly stuck inside with a sick Kip so Dan and I joked that the last four days really felt longer than our entire trip to Kansas. Honestly, I'm just grateful he was healthy for our travels.

Despite Kip being sick I really wanted to take advantage of the fresh start to the year and get some major chores done. Dan watched over Kip all day Saturday while I deep cleaned the kitchen and organized the pantry cupboard and fridge. We did meal planning and grocery shopping and I mopped the floors for real (I usually just swiffer wet jet). We packed away the Christmas decorations and found homes for all the Christmas gifts.

We didn't find out that Kip had a double ear infection until Monday so on Sunday we stayed home from church since he still had a fever. Poor little guy.

For New Years Eve we stayed in. Typical night except the loud neighborhood fireworks keeping us up past midnight and then Kip woke up several times as well. Really wish we could have started 2019 a little more rested. Cest la vie.

On New Years Day we drove over to New Jersey to meet Mandy and go out for lunch at Cheesecake Factory with the gift cards we got for Christmas. I have to say, the weather yesterday was choice! It was sunny and 50 degrees. Now, that's a January day I can stand behind! Please, 2019 winter spare us the doldrums!!!

Happy hump day and happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. The weather sounds divine! Neighbors shooting off fireworks will always be a thorn in my side. I could have sworn that our neighbors were shooting off commercial grade ones. I love the family photo you captured to ring in the new year! I hope Kip feels better soon.
