January 23, 2019

Day in the Life

I always love reading "Day in the Life" posts. They're my favorite. But I never felt like doing one myself because honestly, my life is real boring.

But, lately I've been trying to remember how I spent my Kippy days around this time last year when he was a) immobile and far less exhausting and b) immobile and far more exhausting. Yeah, that doesn't make sense but I wish I had a post to look back on and remember those foggy days with a five month old.

So, here is an average Monday with Kip and me. At 17 months old, in the middle of January when it was too cold to go outside.

5:20 AM. Kip starts rousing. Dan and I do not get him out of bed until at least 6 AM, so he squawks in his crib for a bit.

6:30 AM. I jump in the shower while Dan gives Kip a diaper change and gets him a cup of milk.

20ish minutes later I come into our bedroom to get dressed and ready. Kippy and Dan are enjoying what we call "Family Bed." This is just snuggles in bed while Kip drinks his milk and watches an episode of Baby Einstein or Little Baby Bum. It's a slow and quiet way to wake-up when you aren't a morning person but your child is.

Around 7 am we all get up. Dan makes coffee (for me) and I get breakfast ready (for all of us). Today it was yogurt and granola. We try to all sit down and eat breakfast together since it's the only meal of the day where we are all together.

After breakfast, Dan gets showered and ready while I clean-up breakfast and Kip starts destroying the apartment with his toys. Daddy plays with Kippy in his tunnel for a bit.

And then around 8 am, we hug and kiss Daddy bye-bye.

As of last week, Kip was still napping twice a day. As of this week, that has changed. So I'm glad I got this day documented because our routine has already shifted. Last Monday, he slept from around 8:15 to 9:15 AM. While he napped I did some work stuff and emails and wrote our Weekending blog post.

When Kippy wakes up we FaceTime with Marmee (my mom). Today, Kip had a graham cracker snack while we chatted.

Then it's playtime and getting dressed for the day.

We did trains.

Read about a quarter of about eight books.

And danced to some Elvis tunes.

We played until around 11 am when I started making lunch. Kip wreaked havoc all over the kitchen while I whipped-up some tuna salad sandwiches.

This was Kip's first time trying tuna salad, and he loved it!

After lunch he played some more while I cleaned-up lunch.

12:15 PM Second nap! Kip chatted in the crib for about 30 minutes which, to me, suggests he wasn't tired but then again he didn't protest laying down so I think he didn't mind the quiet time.

While Kip napped I did all the things. Checked work emails, updated the software on my computer, tided-up the living room. Dusted the bedroom. I texted with Mandy, finished reading a book, joined a writers society, and checked more work emails. 

When Kip woke-up around 2 pm we did a diaper change and then watched a show while he had his afternoon cup of milk and some Bamba snacks.

Then we played the rest of the day. Kippy played trains, I made a zoo for him with legos, he destroyed said zoo, emptied his hamper, wore a pants scarf around for a bit, read some books, and back to cars.

5:00 PM Dinner! Tonight was pot pie and mandarin oranges.

He devoured all of it and had a cheese stick as well.

Bath time after dinner!! Kip stacked the toilet paper while I got the bath water ready.

Squeaky clean, teeth brushed, and taking selfies.

6:00 PM Night night!!

Once Kip is down for the night, I tidy the apartment and put all the toys away for about the 12th time of the day and then I drafted this post until Dan texted that he was on the way home from the gym.

I try to make a bigger meal on Sunday so we can have leftovers on Monday night and therefore more time to relax in the evening.

Dinner with Dan and then it's choice night. On Mondays we trade off week-to-week and Dan got to pick our activity. We played a new game I got him called Nefarious. Pretty fun because I won!

Then we watched a bit of a show, tidied again, Dan takes the trash and recycling out, and we get ready for bed. Life before Kip we would go to bed around 11/11:30. Now, we start getting ready around 9:30 and watch a show in bed. Times have changed for sure. 

Hope you enjoyed our every day ordinary life!

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