August 31, 2017

Check-up: 3 Years

Yesterday Dan and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary!!! It was really anticlimactic, as I expected, since everything is about the baby now.  We were unable to do our anniversary tradition of a Jersey shore beach vacation this year but Kippy is a pretty fine reason to miss out on that. We were able to go out for a quick dinner date to Tanoreen (which Dan secretly planned) while Mandy handled the witching hour. Gosh, we are so grateful she is here. Truly saving my sanity. Also, she took this little photo of us on our special day.

We're having fun being new parents but still adjusting to life with three (third anniversary, family of three, three week old baby).

But anyways, every 6 months Dan and I do these little relationship check-ups (we answer separately so similarities are coincidental). Super fun to look back on answers.

See our previous check-ups here:
6 months
1 year
18 months
2 years
2 1/2 years

3 years

1) What is your favorite memory of the last six months?

Dan: Getting to meet Kippy
Steph: Obviously, getting to help pull Kippy out during his delivery

2) What is your favorite part of married life so far?

Dan: Having a friend/partner who is willing to go up every mountain and down every valley with me
Steph: Learning how to be a family of three

3) Something you weren't expecting about married life.

Dan: How fast 9 months can go by
Steph: How a baby really changed our relationship, in a good way

4) Something you are pleasantly surprised by about married life.

Dan: How the last three years prepared us for our current life as parents. We make a good team.
Steph: How the strength of our relationship before Kippy really helped us transition as parents

5) Something you didn't know about your partner before marriage.

Dan: I didn't expect you to crave sour cream or McDonald's so much during the pregnancy
Steph: He really does know how to hold a baby

6) Something to to work on.

Dan: Making sure we schedule time for just the two of us
Steph: Communicating my needs about helping with Kip

7) Something to look forward to.

Dan: Christmas traditions with Kip
Steph: Holidays with a baby!

8) Favorite thing about your partner right now.

Dan: Your strength during the pregnancy and as a new mom
Steph: Watching you bond with Kippy


  1. This is so sweet! Also, you rock at keeping up traditions like answering these questionnaires. That's so special for you guys to look back on!

  2. AAAAWWWWWWW!!!!! Love you guys. Aunt Kandi

  3. Happy anniversary! Love the relationship check-ups idea.
