August 28, 2017

Weekending it

Weekends with Kippy are a whole lot different than weekends with just Dan and me.

I've been exclusively pumping (more on that later). It's not what I planned on and honestly it's a lot more work than the baby is at this point but I'm trying to focus on some of the benefits.  Like, being able to leave Kippy with Auntie Mimi for a couple of hours so Dan and I could escape to the beach to finish our summer bucket list and sorta of have a taste of our anniversary tradition of a "beach vacation."

We went to South Beach after feeding Kip and pumping. We got to borrow Mandy's car and zip over there in 15 minutes, dip our toes in the water, play some card games, catch some sunnies, share some one-on-one time, and get back before noon.

What a treat! Thanks Mandy!

Mandy hung out with us the rest of the afternoon and we rented a movie and went for a long walk to get Italian ice.

Kippy had a terrible night of fussiness on Saturday so although I had really hoped to get to church on Sunday, I felt like it would be better to just stay home and keep his day mellow. Dan had to serve so it was just me and Kip yesterday.

We had one visitor and a friend brought over dinner. Dan and I were able to relax and watch a show during Kippy's evening nap and the two of us are starting to get used to this new life as a family of three.

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