August 4, 2017

Peeks from the Week

Happy Friday!!!

Gosh it was hard to get up this morning. The gloomy skies and rain didn't help.

You guys! We are in the one week countdown until the baby's due date! Now, notice I'm not saying one week until he arrives because, well, I'm being realistic. He could very well be late. Or early!! Let's hope for early. We had our 38 week OB appointment on Wednesday and my cervix is still "way back there" (sorry, tmi). But that means I haven't started progressing towards labor AT ALL. And that's frustrating. So we bought a $10 yoga ball and I've been bouncing on that, eating lots of fresh pineapple, and throwing in a few other wives tales to see if we can't get things started. I'm not holding my breath with these wives tales since we all know how the gender prediction went down.

I've been crazy productive at work this week and knocking things off my to-do list like no big deal. It's refreshing and exhausting. I decided I am going to take Monday and Tuesday as vacation days next week because Monday is my birthday and, well, I just can't deal with the subways anymore. If we still haven't progressed towards labor by our Wednesday morning OB appointment then we get to schedule to induce (after 41 weeks) and I'll head back to work. If I am progressing towards labor then I'll take the rest of the week off and hope the baby comes before the 14th when my maternity leave officially starts (I really don't want to waste any leave before the baby comes). Terri Mom and Allen Dad come the week of the 14th so we REALLY NEED THIS BABY TO COME NOW! Mandy starts her other nanny gig on the 14th and my mom wanted to be here right after the delivery so, hey, baby let's get the show on the road! 

Ok so, cousin Kourtney came to Bay Ridge for Indian food last night and I so happen to know that people back in Kansas want to see bump photos. Since this blog following is tiny I'm giving you all a very special treat. I have taken a bump photo every week of the 3rd trimester for memory sake but not for social media sake. But, here are the last three weeks.

Week 36

Week 37

Week 38

These are hard photos because I hate them and also Dan and I always squabble when he has to take them because he is really great at taking terrible, off-center, blurry photos of me. So these are the best of the best. Also, I feel like I need to start wearing eye-liner or something. Sigh.


  1. Ahhhh! You look so cute : ) He's gonna be here on Monday the 7th. That's my bet. Momma's birthday and a full moon. I don't know how any little boy could pass that up. Love you bunches. Anxious for him to get here too.

    Aunt Kandi

  2. Thank you for the photos. I'm with Kandi. Little boy we all want you to get hear as soon as possible. See you soon. Terri Mom

  3. Happy early birthday!!! You look so cute! You are so smart to have taken a picture every week of 3rd trimester! Wish I had thought of that! Here's hoping your little bundle comes this week a few days before due date! I can totally relate to just being DONE with work and/or transportation to work.
