July 6, 2015

Dan's Birthday Recap

**Sorry I forgot to publish this post on Friday**

On Tuesday night I spent two hours in the spare room unpacking Amazon boxes, wrapping presents, and assembling gifts for Dan.  I did not anticipate it would take that long but I was super grateful to have a room that I could stash stuff in and keep him out.

After I finished assembling and wrapping, I quarantined Dan to our room so that I could set-up the spread of presents.

The balloons were for a birthday game but since I am unable to blow-up balloons (never developed that skill), Dan had to help with that. 

The cute Hippo Birdie banner is, of course, made by Mandy.  I commissioned it last year before we even got our apartment because I knew I wanted some sort of birthday decoration we could pull out.  It is adorable.  I always wish people "hippo birdie" instead of Happy Birthday because it is unexpected and unique.  Look at the cute little details: 

Wednesday morning, Dan's birthday, he woke up and checked out his gift table.  Then he had to wait ALL day before opening anything.

That night we met at our favorite sushi place for dinner (where we had our first date) and came back to the apartment to open presents.   

Mandy got Dan a foosball table which required all the assembly.  She also got him a gift card which never arrived in the mail and I had to report for mail theft.  Boo.

I got Dan a queen size sleeping bag for our future camping trips.  I also got him a devotional book for couples which we are looking forward to and a couple of gag gifts.

My parents got him some things from his list like a belt, DVD, and hacksaw.  He also got a chipotle gift card.

His parents got him a KC Royals t-shirt, another DVD, journal, breakfast trays, and the Ticket to Ride game.  My sister, Jessy, got him some kindle books.

That night we played with his new games and then I sang him Happy Birthday and we had cake.

On Friday afternoon we went to see Jurassic World as per the birthday boy's request.  We enjoyed it. And we still have his beach day to look forward to, if only the weather would cooperate.

30 looks great on him and I have a feeling it will be a jam packed year of fun memories.   

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