November 24, 2014

Weekending it

Where do the weekends go?

Dan and I hosted another couple from church for dinner at our place on Friday.  I made chicken noodle soup and we played Five Crowns.  We are enjoying the ease of hosting and the opportunity to hang out and interact with friends.  Neither of us were able to invite over friends for a nice dinner to our old studios because of the lack of space.  Now we can do it often and we are finding that we enjoy it a lot!

On Saturday we maintained our laziness until it was absolutely necessary to go out.  We went into the city and met up with one of my friends for an afternoon treat.  That night I made Swedish meatballs (forgot to take pics otherwise I would share the recipe - next time).  Dan is always so generous in helping with the dishes on the nights when I do the cooking.

After dinner Dan practiced his sermon on me since I wasn't going to be able to hear it on Sunday.  He did a great jobby during his practice and many people told me he did great on Sunday too.

Sunday was a crazy crazy day.  Dan was preaching and I was in the pre-k/kindergarten classroom and on the hospitality table (bring treats and set-up coffee and tea).  Dan and I collapsed in a heap of exhaustion after church and lounged around until early evening when my Momma and Poppa arrived for the holiday week! 

It is super nice to have a big enough apartment where everyone can have a seat around the table and an actual bed to sleep on.  There will be five of us in the apartment by the end of the week and still room to spare.  Come on over!

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