June 25, 2014

We might steal an apartment!

Well, not really yet but that title got you intrigued right?

So after we ended up not getting the apartment with my dream apartment kitchen, we swallowed our tears and kept looking.  Well, I should say, Dan kept looking.  He did a really great job contacting posts on Craigslist and following-up with people.  Last Thursday we went to look at a 2-bedroom near where Dan lives now in our part of Bay Ridge.  I wasn't very excited about this place because it is close to my least favorite street in Bay Ridge.  But, we stopped at Carvel beforehand and the ice cream sweetened my disposition.

The post Dan was responding to was for a no-broker fee jr. 2 bedroom at $1,650.  When we got to the building a man met us in the lobby.  He ended up being a broker (grrr) and showed us an apartment that was $2,000 since the $1,650 "already rented" (grrr).  Craigslist is full of lies which is mainly why Dan was doing the looking because girl has no patience for that kind of nonsense

Even though it was a fake post and had a broker we were totally captivated by the apartment.  It is MASSIVE!!  The first place we looked at had basically no living room.  When we walked into this apartment the front entry alone could be a living room, but isn't, it's just the entry!  There is a separate eat-in kitchen with full-sized appliances AND a huge living room that could double as a dining room.  The master bedroom has two closets and the smaller room is still decently sized.  We were in love, like major stars in our eyes.  But there was the price.

We had already decided that $1,800 was our cap for rent.  We told the Broker that we would take the place for $1,800 and he said he would talk to the Landlord.  We filled out all the paperwork handed over every piece of personal and financial information possible and walked away giddy and worried.

The next day I waited anxiously while Dan waited to hear back from the Broker about our offer.  Here is the text:

Can you tell I was happy?  A massive 2 bedroom apartment for $200 less than posted?  STEAL!

Then we waited ALL weekend to hear about when we could sign the lease.  Torture people, especially because we felt it could get pulled out right underneath us.  On Monday the Broker told Dan we had to pay in cash.  This is super shady and got us really worried.  Then we started freaking out (ok maybe just me) because we didn't actually have the Broker's name (since he scribbled it) and he refused to tell us the Landlords name so Dan could do some background research.  I was getting annoyed because the Broker never actually called back when he was supposed to, Dan had to call every time.  On Tuesday my blood boiled thinking we were getting scammed and then finally we got confirmation that we could come and sign the lease on Thursday and pay with a bankers check.  Phew.  Cross your fingers though, we still haven't signed.  We'll let you know tomorrow :o)

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