June 8, 2015

Weekending it

Happy Monday!  My day has started off as one of THOSE days.  I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave for work.  This is what happens when you go to bed way too late and your human alarm clock (a.k.a Dan) is out of town.  Fortunately I showered the night before and left looking no more frumpy than usual. 

Then the subway was WAY delayed and I played sweaty people sandwiches on the train and was still 15 minutes late for work.  Oy.

Now, on to better things.  Birthday shout-out to my adorable Poppa bear!!! He turned 68 yesterday.  Can you believe that?  I can't.  He is such a spry little puppy dog.

Love you Dad!

Okay, so this weekend was interesting.  Dan left for Kansas early Saturday morning so I spent Saturday readjusting to being alone.   I woke up and found this sweet note on the refrigerator.

I don't deserve him...but I ain't giving him back either :o)

I left this one in his suitcase. I found the idea here

The weekend alone was pretty okay.   I decided to be a hermit and not go outside at all and not talk to anyone.  Just like the good old single days. Instead I watched shows that Dan would hate and worked on obsessive apartment improvement projects.  Naturally.

One of the things I hate about our apartment is the window sills.  Because our radiators are directly below the windows and because our windows are terribly drafty, the combination makes for a very humid environment.  During the winter I put towels on the sills because the condensation was collecting on the sills and causing the paint to peel.  Exhibit A:

This is what happened when I lifted up the kleenex box that was on the window sill.

Now, how in the world does someone fix that ugliness if you are just a renter?? 

I ordered some shelf liner and cut them to size for all of our window sills.  It looks so nice and clean and if you ever come and visit promise you won't lift them up to see what's beneath ok?  Common courtesy.

I also worked on a top secret project and then met friends for Indian food for dinner.

On Sunday I was blessed with only three kids in my pre-k class and no drama.  Bliss.

I made crumb cake that afternoon (TJ box mix) and was lazy.  I went grocery shopping and watched Dateline (like always).

I miss my Buddy and his constantly pleasant presence.  I am looking forward to his return on Friday when we are reunited.  My favorite part about short absences from one another is the overwhelming happiness to see each other again.  It's like reliving your first good kiss.

Countdown to Friday is ON.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you to sweetie look forward to seeing you on Friday
