June 29, 2015

Weekending it

We had another full and fun weekend.  I'm going to break it up into two posts because the zoo deserves it's own summary. 

On Friday evening Dan and I met up with two of my friends from grad school. We all live in Bay Ridge and headed over to the Narrows Botanical Garden in the neighborhood to watch Uncle Buck under the stars.  Nicole and Julianna and I have been to the outdoor movies at Brooklyn Bridge park and those are typically extremely crowded.  Since none of us had been to a Bay Ridge outdoor movie we got there early just in case.  Well, I guess the secret isn't out yet and there were only a few other people there.  So we grabbed a nice spot, did some snacking and chatting, and enjoyed the sunset before the movie.

There were snacks for sale as well as a 50/50 raffle which we all entered (none of us won but the prize was $87).

The movie was great.  As expected.  I love Uncle Buck.  It did get quite chilly after sunset but Dan let me steal his socks and I was much more comfortable.  We had a lot of fun and the best part was we were only a short 10 minute walk from home.

Movies in the park is on our 2015 Summer Bucket list but I want to go more than once before we check it off.  

Saturday we went to the Bronx Zoo.  Check back tomorrow for a post about that trip.

Sunday was church, as usual.  Dan maned the elementary class solo and from what I hear it was crazy town.  I had my pre-k/kinder class and started off fine with only three kids and then four more showed up late.  I didn't have a helper so it was me against them and I was short on fruit snack packs.  Yikes!!  We all survived in one piece and I actually got the Bible lesson across.

After church was our welcome picnic for our new pastor, Will, and his family.  The picnic was rescheduled from last weekend due to rain but of course we still had rain yesterday.  Grrr.  It was a muddy mess but there was a ton of food and lots of people so it was a success in my opinion.

I had fun getting to push some littles on the playground swings and snuggle a baby for a bit but overall it was a bit bittersweet for me.   The church picnics used to be my absolute favorite.  I still like them, but in years past had a whole gang of gal friends at Crossroads and we had so so so much fun together.  I am the only one left standing at Crossroads.  Most moved away and others left for other churches.   I keep in touch with all of them but it's not the same and although I've gained a couple of new gal friends I don't think any one or any group will ever fill the void I feel from the absence of that group...and I felt it yesterday. 

After the picnic, Dan and I binged on Prison Break.  Man are we glad Brian and Emily convinced us to keep watching.  We needed that vegging to refuel for the week.  And now it's Monday of a holiday week with Dan's birthday smack dab in the middle. Woot!

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