August 12, 2022

Celebrating Kip

One final birthday post and then we are done with the big birthday season. We have so many family birthdays between May-August and then is slows dramatically until May rolls around again. Phew.

On Kip's actual birthday, I took the day off of work and Dan worked from home for a half day. Kip always loves opening his gifts first thing so we decorate the night before and have all the gifts set out.

Kip was up bright and early, so Dan took him to get donuts for breakfast.

Then it was present time!! The two big gifts of the year were a bike from Grandma and a Lionel Ready-to-Play Construction Train from Mom and Dad.

He got a Picasso tile road set, Hexbugs, a Spirograph Jr., a few LEGO sets, a Buzz Lightyear spaceship, three games, bath sponge capsules, wooden building blocks, dig dinosaur eggs, kites, Subway trains, an old fashioned wind-up train, small Tesla car, Hot Wheel launcher, $5 bill, The Dinosaur that Pooped... books, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting. Every year, this kids rolls in the gifts like you wouldn't believe. Family is always over-the-top generous. Fortunately, this year, he expressed his gratitude many times while opening his gifts.

He played with his gifts all morning. Mandy got him his favorite "submarine" sandwich for lunch and then after Dan was done with work, we drove to the beach!

Quarter rides first, a new tradition!

Then we found a spot on the HOT sand and played for a couple of hours.

Ended the trip with Ralph's Italian Ice and more quarter rides before heading home. 

Kip picked Fettucine Alfredo (or long noodles as he calls it) with brown bread (like the kind they serve at Cheesecake Factory), and Cesar salad for his birthday dinner. We Zoomed with Dan's side of the family and then had cake.

 It was a busy day celebrating this newly minted five-year-old. I can't believe it.

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