May 21, 2018


Gosh the weekends go so fast and I feel like there wasn't near enough accomplished or near enough time to relax.

Mandy spent the night on Friday so Dan and I could stop by a friend's birthday party after work. On Saturday we all headed into New Jersey. It was a rainy, glum day but we made the best. Dan and I got all set-up with a small storage unit near Mandy's apartment. We finally just decided to go for it. Now we can stash all the baby gear that Kip has outgrown, store our Christmas decorations, camping gear, and all the A/C units (in the winter). It was pricey (cheaper than Brooklyn) but worth the extra space we now have in the apartment.

After that business, we went to lunch at Cheesecake factory. Kippy does really well at restaurants right now which is great and I expect that might change soon so we'll take advantage while we can.

Following lunch, we strolled the mall and picked-up Dan's new suit. Kip fell asleep in the car and since he hadn't taken a good nap we decided to drive around instead of getting him out of the car again. 

Mandy and Dan found a state park nearby and we drove through it. I think it was called Cheesequake State Park which was a weird name. Or maybe that's wrong and I just had cheesecake on the brain. Anyways, it was beautiful and lush and green thanks to all the rain we got this week. We are looking forward to going back on a sunny day this summer. I took a quick picture through the window of the moving car.

After a quick stop at Mandy's apartment we drove back to Brooklyn.

On Sunday, Dan had Welcome Team so we got to church really early and I walked around the neighborhood with Kip until it was time for service. The sun finally came out and it was gorgeous. After church we did our usual Trader Joe's grocery run and then back to Bay Ridge. Sunday nights always feel like a scramble with laundry and dinner and trying to squeeze in some down time after Kip goes to bed. Most weeks we struggle to get everything done but this week we succeeded and had nearly two hours to relax and watch a movie.

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