May 10, 2018

Kippy || 9 Months Old

Today, Kippy turns 9 months old!! He has now been out in this world the same amount of time that he was tucked safely inside me. How is that even possible?

Kipling at Nine Months 
Weight 20 lbs. 3.2 oz (17 lbs. 4.8 oz. at 6 months)
Height 30 inches (26.97 inches at 6 months)
Personality: Explorer

Bath time, always
Food, specifically: hummus, Cheerios, and baby yogurt
Twinkle Twinkle Simple Songs video on Amazon
The freedom to explore unrestricted
When mommy sings
Ripping mommy's hair out
The sound of the vacuum or hair dryer

Not having food when other people are eating
Getting his hands and face wiped off after eating
Diaper changes, still
Being put down for a nap when he's not quite ready
The sound of a drill

9-12 month clothes. His torso is really long and his thighs are nice and chunky
I love it most when he wears overalls. I mean, girls get all the fun accessories but overalls are just the BEST on little boys. 
Size 4 diapers, a bit big

Things I want to remember about Kippy at 9 months:
- The way you still raise your arms up to your head and hold your hands to the back of your head and stroke your hair. It's your sleepy cue and it's so sweet.
- How you much prefer nursing on the left side and will pull your head to the left (while latched) when I make you feed on the right. It's kind of painful for me but I like that you know your preferences.
- Ever since you started crawling you also started sleeping on your belly with your knees bent under you and your tooshie up in the air.
- How you love to bop up and down when music is playing.
- When you pulled my coffee cup off the table and it fell to the ground splashing coffee six feet up the wall. I freaked out and you just sat there like "what's the big deal?"
- When you figured out how to twist your tongue to one side. You did it constantly for a week before it lost its novelty.
- When we make kissy noises and smooch your cheeks. You'll turn your head and plant a wide open slobbery kiss on our face.
- How you are so curious and want to touch and see and explore everything around you without limits.



This month Kippy reached a big milestone. The day after he turned 8 months old he started crawling and with that skill the whole world opened up to him. Now he loves to move all around the apartment and get into anything he can before we take it away or redirect his interest. He still enjoys being held and has become more affectionate by reaching up to us or giving slobber kisses and even nuzzling. He is an observer (like me) and just takes everything in. It's so fun to watch him discover life around him. He can now feed himself small pieces of food and he is a champ at chewing. He can sit up in the bath unassisted and is far more confident about his water skills than I would like. He has been teething but still has just the two bottom teeth that he's had for months. He had his first fever this month and it was so sad but fortunately he perked up after 24 hours.

This month Kippy went to his first diner and has since had several restaurant experiences. He's done really well so far! He tried the park swing and slide for the first time but seemed indifferent to both. We had a play date with a new friend, rode the subway, got reacquainted with the baby carrier, and had a visit from Marmee and Poppa. So many good memories this month.

We've had several rocky periods of sleep regression this month. He is still going down for bed around 5:30/6 but ever since he started crawling he has had some sleep disruptions. Initially it was an issue with him being unable to lay back down after getting up on his knees. Then he sometimes woke up and would start crawling around the crib and playing and then was unable to settle back down. Combined with teething issues, him sleeping in our room while we had visitors in town, and other unexplained wake-ups, we miss our solid sleeper. There was a two-week stretch where he woke up at 5/5:30 and demanded to nurse. We assumed that was his new wake-up time and would just start our routine early. But then he would go back down for a nap soon after. So then we started treating it like a night feed and put him right back to bed after I nursed him. It worked for two days and now he is waking up at his old 6/6:30 time. What gives? Additionally, when he rouses in the night we used to just pop the paci back in his mouth and he would immediately go back to sleep. Now, he will cry again the instant I leave the room. So we've had several nights where he had to cry himself back to sleep (usually no more than 2-5 minutes). It's been a roller-coaster in the sleep department.

Kippy LOVES food. We are giving him mainly table food now or "real" food. He does have pouches on occasion but that's more for our convenience and he definitely is not satisfied with just a pouch or only purees. He loves turkey meat, cheese, hummus, yogurt, Cheerios, and pretty much everything we give him. He doesn't seem particularly interested in fresh fruits but he will eat them. We managed to get him drinking water but only from a bottle so we still need to work on the cup skill. We also introduced peanuts this month using the Bamba snacks from Trader Joe's. It's like a peanut butter flavored puffy Cheetos. So far, so good. We give him one a day to provide consistent exposure. We took the tray off his booster seat and just moved him to the table. He looks like such a big kid now!

Kippy will play with literally anything and thinks that everything is for him to play with. We've had a few instances with him getting at things he shouldn't. He's knocked over the fan in his room, attempted to pull down lamps, grabbed at boxes on the shelves in the living room, tried to get into the trash, and even pulled a coffee mug off the table. He particularly enjoys cords and essentially has a magnetic attraction to anything that is not appropriate for him. He doesn't love being confined to the jumper anymore so as soon as he outgrows it or throws a big enough fit when in it, we'll have to put that in storage. For now, we just let him roam around and try to keep up with his speed.

Kippy, I can't believe you've been out in this world as long as you were in my belly! It's seems like half as much time and just an overwhelming amount of growth and love has blossomed in just nine months. We love you SO much and hope we can soak in as much as possible in these last few months of your babyhood. I'm really looking forward to summer with you and I hope it's your favorite season too!

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