May 23, 2018

Nine Months of Fatherhood

***Surprise blog post written by Dan!!

As I write this, I am just struck in awe of this baby boy!

I always wanted kids. I always grew-up with younger cousins and since high school, I've always enjoyed playing games with younger children and into college and adulthood, I frequently participated in leading lots of kids camps, youth events, and Sunday school classes. I'm comfortable with toddlers through high school aged students but I had very little experience with babies before Kippy was born.

The arrival of Kippy was both joyous and special, but also made me feel somewhat nervous because I didn't know how to do anything - even how to hold a newborn! Although I was hesitant at first, I am proud that I figured out how to hold him, change him, give him a bath, and feed him.

Reflecting on these last nine months, I wanted to remember these particular memories about Kippy:

1) How tiny you were when you were born and how excited we were to take you home from the hospital.

2) How you love to look around and see everything. Nothing seems boring or old to you it is all new and exciting. Even from a very early age you were always observing.

3) The time when you were a few weeks old and I was bouncing up and down on the yoga ball trying to get you to settle down, you had just had a bottle and I guess I bounced too much and you spit up all down my back and onto the ball and floor.

4) How strong you are! From holding your head up to the time I was feeding you and you grabbed the nearby lamp stand and tried to pull it over!

5) That funny memory when I got up to change your diaper in the middle of the night while Mommy was still asleep and we were both startled by a noise. We turned the light on and you had projectile pooped all over me. We laughed about it later but it was shocking in the moment.

6) How cute you are when you feed yourself food. You clutch a big fistful or pinch a small piece in your fingers and direct it to your mouth, and sometimes all over your face.

7) How determined you were to sit-up and eventually crawl. You would get up on your knees and sway back and forth, fall on your belly, and then get up and try again.

8) How whenever I do a silly voice or make a silly face, you light-up and laugh!

9) How much you love going for walks outside but you get so angry when we try to strap you in the stroller. You haven't figured out that the stroller means a walk.

I love watching you grow and look forward to many milestones ahead. 

1 comment:

  1. You're a great dad Dan. Happy almost first Father's Day! Mom
