May 7, 2018

Weekending it

Yay for early summer! We had a heat wave last week and although it was a bit of a shock to the system, we were all grateful for the sunshine, blooms, and warm temps.

Kip takes after Dan. Basically hot bodied, easily overheated and sweaty. Since this heat wave came suddenly, we didn't have time to put the AC units in the windows so our apartment was stuffy. One night last week, Dan put Kip to bed in footies and later when I came home his room was 90 degrees and you could feel Kip's jammies were soaked in sweat. So we took a major risk and woke him up to change him into short jams. He was not happy that we woke him up and basically wailed until we let him into our bed. We co-slept for several hours before I got tired of his tiny sweaty body kicking up against mine. I successfully transferred him back to his crib for the rest of the night but that was a good lesson for us and further assurance that co-sleeping is not for us. I'm fine with early morning snuggles but all night? Nope.

This weekend I had a play date with a new friend down in downtown Brooklyn. I took Kip with me and we had breakfast at a restaurant, a nice stroll around the neighborhood, and a great chat on a bench. Meanwhile, Dan tried on a suit, did some Target shopping, and killed time waiting for us. After we met-up again we drove over to New Jersey to do some summer clothes shopping. Since I was pregnant last summer, I didn't have much for summer clothing this year. We got some things at the mall, had Chick-fil-a for lunch, and hung out with Mandy.

Kip was either confined to the carrier, stroller, or car seat ALL DAY and he did amazingly well. Such a trooper. But, he lost it in the car on the way home. It was past his bedtime and he was just done. Poor bud.

Sunday was gloomy. We had plans to meet friends at the park after church but it was expected to rain so we rescheduled. We went grocery shopping after church and hit a ton of traffic on the way home. Kip didn't end up napping so it was an unproductive afternoon just playing in bed.

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