August 7, 2015

Birthday Shout-out

Today is Mandy's birthday!  Which means today is my birthday too.  

Hippo Birdie Mimi!!  My favorite part about our birthday is sharing it with you! Wish we were together to share in the celebration of this day but since we can't we can just relive the memories.

I'm so grateful for your love, support, and silliness.  I'm so glad we are the best of friends and have truly embraced our twinhood for lifelong benefit.  I love you boo bunny.  Happiest day to you.

Love your Bug


  1. Happiest Birthday to you too Bug! Love you tons and bunches! Bunny

  2. Love wll the throw backs! Happy birthday to u both!!!!!

  3. Love wll the throw backs! Happy birthday to u both!!!!!

  4. Love wll the throw backs! Happy birthday to u both!!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Stephanie and Mandy

    Terri Mom
