January 12, 2015

Napkins Notes

When I'm proactive and smart, I remember to make my lunch for work the night before.  Most days I leave it to the last minute and Dan ends up fixing me a lunch while I scramble around to finish getting ready (I have to leave for work before him).  I am so grateful to him for his willingness to help and his thoughtfulness when preparing my lunch.  He does such a cute job. 

Way back in October I made Dan lunch a few times and I put a friendly note or two in his bag.  He reciprocated by writing a napkin note and included it in my sack the following week.  Evidently the habit stuck and I have been receiving napkin notes consistently ever since (even when I've pre-made my lunch!!).  Look at my stash!

These notes are tiny treasures with such sweet words and even cute doodles (the hedgehogs are my favorite).  I always love finding one and being reminded of how special it is to have such a sweet guy.  I'm documenting these acts of love here and then tucking them away in my memory box. 

Thanks Buddy!  You're the best!

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