July 31, 2023

The Balcony Garden

A mid-summer update on the garden on our small balcony. In the late spring, I planted two tomato plants, a bowl of basil, and geraniums in the flower window box.

A mourning dove nested in the flower box almost immediately. She legit wouldn't move and allowed us to get really close. She had two eggs in her nest and by the time we returned from our beach trip, she and her babes were gone leaving just dying geraniums infested with aphids. So, we dumped the box and started over with some white lantana.

Meanwhile, my tomatoes turned into trees. I did a much better job this year preparing cages for them so they are doing a lot better than last year and just this week, some are finally ripe to enjoy.

The kids got tiny marigold seed plant kits back in the spring and we planted them in a small pot. It has taken months but we have a few blooms.

Kip plated cucumber seeds at the garden party event at his school in the spring. We re-potted it in a large pot on the balcony and it is climbing like crazy. We have TONS of blossoms but only three little cucumbers have appeared. Obviously, this pot is much too small for a plant like this but if we get even one edible cucumber from this, I'll consider it a success.

My first basil bowl was a flop so we planted another variety and it is doing okay. Growing stuff is hard in general (we're just guessing as we go) but this year has also been tough with all the smoke coming into our area from the fires in Canada. I'm sure the plants feel the stress of that more than we realize. 

The kids' garden in the backyard has really struggled to take off. We aren't sure if it's the soil (very sandy) the shade (this area is super shady most of the day) or animals (some bunny or bird eating the plants). It's likely some combination of issues. It's still cute and a fantastic project, we just think there are a lot of external forces working against its success. We feel like the pumpkins should be sprawling by this point, no? Did we plant too soon?

Those aren't weeds in the front, they are wildflowers without blooms.

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