April 28, 2023

Tribute to a Treasure

After transitioning Ivy to her big bed, my sentimental heart is aching to say goodbye to our sweet little crib which valiantly served our family for nearly six years. It cradled our babies well and corralled them safely as toddlers. It was a gift from my mom and dad and my memories of it will always hold a sacred place in my heart. This post is a little tribute to a treasure.

Brand new and all ready for the arrival of baby Kip.

And here he is! The first photos I have of him in his crib.

As I was looking through photos for this post, I found SO many of Kip in this crib, thanks to Dan and all of his Night Night Mommy photos he used to send me while I was at work and he was putting Kip to bed. Here are some highlights.

After we transitioned Kip to his big bed, we got the crib ready for the arrival of Ivy.

Here is about the only photo I have of baby Ivy in the crib while in Brooklyn.

And then the crib came with us when we moved to New Jersey.

And here is Kip again, trying to reclaim the crib and his place as the baby of the house.

Unfortunately, I do not have nearly as many photos of Ivy in the crib as I do of Kip. We made her bedroom as dark as possible to try and get her to sleep better so middle of the night photos were not possible. And then since I was working from home for her first year of life, there was no reason to send me Night Night Mommy photos. I am sad about that, but I was able to find a few of snuggly toddler Ivy.

And here is the crib serving as an entertainment ball pit.

I tried to snag a few photos from Ivy's last few naps in the crib.

Now, the crib is in our room and I am trying to figure out what to do with the crib and how to find another life for it beyond our home.

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