April 5, 2023

Little Guy

Hello. This is Little Guy:

He is a tiny plastic kitty cat toy that came inside one of the many Gabby Dollhouse play sets Ivy has. It is approximately 1 inch in height and is a typical choking hazard toy. For some unknown reason, Ivy has attached to this one tiny piece of plastic and leaves it innumerable places.

Due to it's size, Little Guy is constantly being momentarily lost. Kip tried to make a little house for him to live in.

Unfortunately, Ivy never puts Little Guy in his house. She prefers this tiny bathtub as his bed.

I asked my friend if her daughter got this little cat in with her Gabby Dollhouse and since it is not an actual character in the show and just an accessory, her daughter generously gave us hers as a back-up in case Little Guy is ever permanently misplaced. The only problem is, back-up Little Guy is a different color. Hopefully he won't have to fill-in.

Here are the other ridiculously small items Ivy has attached to as important to her.

A small white pebbled named "Eggy"

A tiny train sponge from one of those dissolving bathtub capsules.

Small Lego car filled with a collection of the smallest possible Lego pieces.

This is a little set of drawers in Ivy's room with dress-up clothes in it. She stashes her little collection of treasures on top. If it's tiny, Ivy has her name on it.

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