April 19, 2021

Ivy || 11 Months Old

Ivy turned 11 months old on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!

In just a quick blink we will have a one year old!! This year was such a time warp. Some days it feels like lifetimes have passed at an agonizing pace (I'm talking about you sleep deprivation). But then we get to this point and I'm completely dumbfounded that Ivy is already 11 months old! She grew so much this month!

Ivy at 11 Months
Weight: ?? (19 lbs. 4 oz. at nine months)
Height: ?? (29.8 inches inches nine months)
Personality: sensitive and active

Stroller rides
Sitting up in the bath
Playing with Kip's cars and trains
Putting things into other things
Being taken out of the bath
Being told "no" or "no ma'am"
When Kip screams at her
Getting her hands and face wiped 
Being moved away from Kip's toys
Getting clothes changed
Size 4 diapers
12-18 months clothes (she had a big growth spurt)
3-6 month shoes (such itty bitty feet!) 
Sleep sack
Things I want to remember about Ivy at 11 months:
Her janky "4" pose crawling position
How she pulls herself up with pride
The way she digs into Kip's trains and Lego baskets, pulling things out and putting things back in
Her love for fruit, especially blueberries
The way she smiles with her eyes
How eager she is too be able to use Kip's sippy cup
How distracted she gets while nursing
Her sensitive and tender-hearted soul (she gets her feelings hurt very easily)
Ear piercing screams that crush your heart
Crocodile tears
The way she fights back with Kip
Staring out the windows
The way she plays with my hand while she is nursing


Can it be? Are we finally making progress with sleep?? Ivy is finally consistent with taking two naps a day. She gets up for the day no later than 6:30 am and goes for her first around 9/9:30 am. She naps for at least an hour but usually between and hour and a half to two hours. Depending on timing, we try to put her down for her second nap around 2 pm and make sure she doesn't sleep past 3/3:15 pm. She goes to bed for the night around 6/6:30 pm depending on how that second nap went. 

This month Ivy graced me with five sporadic nights when she slept thru until 5 am. It was true bliss. On average, however, she wakes up in the window of 2:30/3 am for a feed but goes right back to sleep until 6/6:30 am. I'm comfortable with this one feed since she is so distracted with nursing during the day. Based on her random occasions of sleeping thru, I feel confident we will get to night weaning at her pace. I'm trying to be positive and flexible. Can you tell? But to be honest, she woke up five times last night, so nothing's perfect.
Ivy would be a fruitarian if we let her. She LOVES fruit. Blueberries are her favorite but she also loves mandarin oranges, pineapple, apple sauce, strawberries, melon, etc. She does well with most other finger foods but she is more hesitant with new things and we often have to put the first bite in her mouth before she goes at it on her own. She tried Blue Box macaroni for the first time this month and, of course, she was an instant lover. She also tried cinnamon rolls and other delicious treats. #badmom. 
Ivy sometimes seems like she is self weaning much like Kip did by basically only latching for seconds to a minute at a time. I'm hoping to nurse her at least until her first birthday but I'll just follow her lead. She does still nurse well at night for the most part and that's her best feed since she is not distracted. 

She loves to sit in her high chair at the table and we've even had several nights where she has joined us for dinner which was fun to have her company.

She has been teething hard core for two solid months and it feels like we are SO close to getting those two top front teeth.

Ivy made major milestones this month. She started pulling up and "crawling." Her crawling is a bit of a boot scoot mixed with a "4" pose arm pulling. She has one leg sprawled out and the other tucked under her bottom (like a number 4). Then she pulls herself along with her hands. She can move really fast so we've had to start getting into the habit of latching gates and creating corrals. In the last few days she has started correcting the crawl to the typical hands and knees form. She isn't as confident or fast but I think within a week or so she will transition to that pose more consistently.

Ivy is SO cute when she plays. She still loves musical toys and gets into Kip's trains and LEGOS and cars regularly. I love to watch her dig into baskets and pull stuff out. She also loves to nest things together or throw stuff into other things. She adores the bath as much as ever but prefers to sit up instead of laying back in her bath seat. She also gets VERY angry when you take her out of the bath, especially if Kip still gets to play. 
We've started seeing sibling squabbles (pre-verbal even) and so that's a not so pleasant glance into the future. I'm sure they will be fast playmates and enjoy each other plenty but fighting is to be expected with siblings, Kip and Ivy will be no different.

She is no longer interested in her jumperoo or any buckled activity seat. Ivy is ON THE MOVE and there is no looking back.

Ivy has always been very vocal. She easily communicates her needs through shrieks and screams. She babbles constantly. She will sign "more" with her hands and we're trying to teach her "all done." We feel like we heard her say "Dada, " "I do," and "Hi." They seemed appropriately timed so those could be her first words but it's a little unclear because it could have just as easily been coincidental noise.
I feel like Ivy made massive developmental leaps this month and is now seeming more and more like a toddler than a baby. It's always so bittersweet to see one stage end and another begin. On the one hand I'm glad to see the some of the frustrations disappear but sad to see so much change and even mourn what's been left behind. I'm going to try my best to treasure this last month before we have a one year old. Snuggle her longer. Be less bitter about midnight nursing. And fill my heart with her little baby ways.

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