March 30, 2020

Weekending it

Days are blending together but I was actually still bummed last night when I realized the next day was Monday because logging-in for work is a task, quarantine or not.

After I posted on Friday, we all had a discussion about being rational. What were the risks of being careful and doing laundry in our building as opposed to taking the risk of hauling all our laundry across the state line to do at a laundromat in New Jersey? The risk of getting exposed was about the same but hauling it to NJ was tremendously more inconvenient. So Mandy did the laundry after the Super cleaned the room and she was careful. That's all we can do. Be careful.

On Saturday our goal was to get outside. But it rained all weekend. So we drove to Target in Staten Island and got some essentials like Easter candy, cookies, chips, soda...I let my anxiety feed some cravings. We also got diaper wipes okay, so there's that. Then we went to Mandy's apartment and hung out there. Let Kip nap, watched some shows, restocked from her pantry/fridge, and had lunch. It was a safe change of scenery. On the way home we supported local business and got bubble tea and then dropped some groceries off with friends who have one member positive (don't worry, we didn't see them or touch a thing).

Sunday we watched church online and struggled to get through the day with just Legos, chalk, kinetic sand, and coloring. The weather has been consistently gloomy which is good for keeping people inside but bad for morale.

Onward with another week.

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