March 20, 2020

Peeks from the Week

I had a really lighthearted post planned for this week and yesterday I just felt so low and depressed and I even considered just not posting anymore at all because everything just feels so trivial now.

But, then I felt guilty because I know family far away from us like seeing updates and considering the fact that we are in the epicenter of this we need to share to stay connected. So, I'll try my best to balance updates, with normal happy posts, and limit anxiety and complaints. However, I do feel like having anxiety and sharing stresses is important. This is our reality and sugarcoating isn't helpful for me or others. If we made it seem like life was grand then we would be deceiving ourselves and others. Nothing about this situation is easy but we are ALL in the same boat. I'll just try to keep the negative limited and share positive and fun things when we can.

This was the first truly committed week of life adjusted. As of this morning, Mandy is now staying with us full-time. With lock-downs and shelter-in-place orders being threatened we just decided it was better to all be together. Kip LOVES her so much and she is such a huge help to us especially now that Dan and I are both working from home. We can all share the load and take care of each other. Is it ideal? No. Is it what everyone wants? No. Is it forever? No. But for now, it's the next right thing (in the words of Anna from Frozen II). I feel a lot better having her here as well because if Dan or I need to go to the hospital for anything baby related, she can stay with Kip and that gives me tremendous peace of mind during this uncertain time. 

THREE CHEERS FOR MANDY and endless gratitude for the sacrifice she is making by giving up her routine and freedom to be here with us.

As of Monday, my OB check-ups are now video calls with my doctor. I have no idea how that will actually work since it's not like I can check my blood pressure or fetal heart rate from home but I'll let you know how that goes. At least I won't be walking into a doctor office with potentially sick people on a by-weekly basis.

Now, for some fun peeks from the week:


Playing with the new garbage truck Kip got for a potty incentive

Facetime from the other room

Making cheese biscuits with Mandy


My workstation for the day

My buddies kept me company while they watched an afternoon show


Early morning walk for some fresh air. Not being able to go outside regularly is the hardest part of this so far. Kip wants to go to the playgrounds but that is a big no.

Making banana bread with Mandy


My lowest day so far in this crisis. I truly haven't felt that depressed in years and it was really hard for me. I don't have any photos for the day.


It's Friday!! And even while home bound, Friday is a good day. Mandy is here and she brings the cheer.

We caved and bought Kip a kid tablet. It was going to be a gift from the baby but we brought it out early because these are dire times and the child will not stop trying to touch Dan and my "pooters" (computers). It has a 30 minute daily limit and he has no idea how it works.

Our plan for this weekend is to get in the car early tomorrow morning and go for a drive to some outdoor space that is secluded and get fresh air and run around. That's our solitary goal.

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