March 11, 2020



How is everyone handling the apocalypse? I kid. But really, it's controlled chaos over here and there is a low level feeling that something big is about to happen...shutting the schools? canceling public transit? banning all scheduled activities? Something.

Here's an update on our front.

I passed my 3-hour glucose test. Gratefully.

My office is requiring all "high risk" individuals to work from home. This includes me since pregnancy apparently means "high risk." Don't panic. I'm not worried and I spoke to my OBGYN and she said everyone has a high chance of catching the virus but not everyone needs to worry about complications. She said not to worry so I'm not. But I'm working from home anyways and for who knows how long.

On the plus side, this means I get extra time with Kip before the baby arrives. I get extra time with Dan on his days off. I get extra with Mandy when she comes over. I get to never step foot on a subway for at least some period of time. Praise for that!!

Dan and I canceled our babymoon overnight stay at the TWA international hotel. It was only one night and we are bummed to miss but it didn't seem worth the risk and a lot could happen with this whole situation in the next week.

The International Auto Show was postponed until August and we are wondering if our tickets to see Jim Gaffigan will be axed as well.

Dan's parents are supposed to come visit at the end of the month but those plans are tentative now as well.

It is a weird time indeed. If you never turned the news on or touched your computer you'd have no idea anything was happening. Spring weather has arrived early and from the outside everything seems okay. But then you notice there are hardly any tourists. You can't find hand sanitizer or lysol wipes anywhere and people are overly standoffish (more than your typical New Yorker would be).

BUT WE HAVE TOILET PAPER. I'm not sure why everyone else in the country is worried about toilet paper. The grocery store was fully stocked.

But mob mentality is real and I've fallen for it multiple times. We have a huge tub filled with back stock food and every time I go to the store I have to tell myself we don't need more canned tuna or dried pasta. How long will this last? How much do we need to fear? I waver back and forth daily between being worried and being annoyed at how reactionary everything is. I'm just reminding myself that none of us are in control and this is all in God's hands.

Oh, but, pray for us because unlike all of suburbia, we don't have an enclosed backyard we can go to if we are all forced to stay home. And I assume playgrounds won't be safe at some point. So spring weather and a cooped-up toddler doesn't sound fun.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Here are some cute pics of Kip and Mandy when we got to spend the day with her on a gorgeously warm and sunny Monday in March.

Stay well everyone. Virtual fist bump to you all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you get to work from home! In so many ways this is a blessing! So so excited for you, friend!
